Show Payment Reconciliation Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to review the payment orders that Maconomy creates in the automatic payment process. The tab shows the payment order that will be sent to the payment agent, and the sub-tab list the vendor entries covered by the payment.

If a vendor claims that you did not make a payment, use this workspace and the Show Automatic Payment workspace to research the issue.

If a payment selection exists for the current payment order, as indicated in the Payment Status island, you can edit the individual vendor entries in the sub-tab to change the amount to be paid or the discount amount.

You can also add or delete vendor entries. For example, if you receive a vendor invoice and a vendor credit memo that add up to zero, some payment agents cancel out the two entries and do not send any remittance text about the cancellation to the vendor. To avoid this, the invoice and credit memo must be in separate payment files. If they both appear in this workspace, you can remove one of them, create the payment file, then run another payment selection that includes the entry that you removed. Then both entries will appear on statements from the payment agent to the vendor.