Inventory Count Listing Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create or reprint inventory count listings.

You use these lists in connection with an inventory count of all or some of the items in your warehouses, for example, a status count. You can print the inventory count listing with different layouts depending on whether you want the list sorted by location and item number or by location and serial number.

When you create an inventory count listing, Maconomy creates an inventory count listing for each item and a serial number inventory count line for each serial number. If the current inventory count results in counting at more than one location for just one of the items that are included in the selection criteria that you specified in the New Count Listing island, Maconomy creates a main listing that contains one line per item. On these lines, the Location field is blank, which indicates that it can count one or more items at more than one location. You must subsequently make the inventory count on assigned sublistings on which Maconomy automatically fills in the Location field for each item and from which Maconomy consolidates results on the main listing.

If you only need to do an inventory count at one location for each item specified in the selection criteria, Maconomy creates a main listing that contains one line per item and a specification of the expected location in the Location field on each line. You can subsequently enter the inventory count on this main listing.

After you perform a count, you can enter actual volumes in the Inventory Count workspace. For items that have serial number control you can enter the inventory count of all serial numbers in either the Inventory Count by Stock Location workspace or the Serial No. Count workspace. These two workspaces only display items that have serial number control. However, the Inventory Count by Stock Location workspace displays the serial numbers sorted by location, while the Serial No. Count workspace displays the serial numbers sorted by item number. When you have entered the counted quantities, Maconomy automatically consolidates them on the assigned listing in this workspace. You can reprint an inventory count listing that shows only items with stock deviation between the inventory recorded in Maconomy and the actual inventory volumes over a certain size.

When you complete an inventory count and enter it in the Inventory Count workspace, you approve the list in the Approve Count workspace. Maconomy then creates and prints an item transaction that shows item movements for each item on the inventory count listings. The number on the item movement corresponds to the deviation found between the actual counted number and the stock volume registered in Maconomy before the count.

Maconomy also creates an item journal to update the relevant inventory accounts in the G/L module. You must then post the item journal in the Posting or Print Posting Journal workspaces in the G/L module.

For items that have serial number control, Maconomy also creates a number of serial number movement lines in such a way that the quantity of the current serial number is also updated. Note that for items that have serial number control you must perform a serial number count of the various serial numbers. If you do not enter a serial number count, when you approve the count it results in a 100% deviation, and Maconomy resets the quantity of serial numbers.

An item can only appear in one inventory count main listing at a time, but it can appear on several inventory count sublistings at a time. You must either approve or delete the list before an item can appear in a new inventory count main listing.

You can handle an item in the order system and carry out inventory changes while the item is being printed in an unapproved inventory count list. However, the list always compares the manually entered item volume with Maconomy's volume when you create the list in this workspace.

If you make inventory changes after you create the inventory count list and before you do the manual, the manually counted figures must include these inventory changes.

Item movements that you perform after the manual count has occurred and before you enter the figures in the Inventory Count workspace do not influence the inventory count.

If in the Approve Count workspace you enter a posting date that is before the printing date of the count list; that is, if you take out stock before you print the counting list, you must take into consideration any inventory changes that take happen between the stock taking and the printout. Inventory changes that happen between the printout of the count list and the time when you enter the actual figures in the Inventory Count workspace have no influence on the inventory count.