Price Adjustment Principles Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Field Adjustment Principles tab.

Price Adjustment Principle Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you must specify the desired name when creating a price adjustment principle. Once the price adjustment principle has been created, the field is closed.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current adjustment principle.
Blocked In this field, you can specify if the current adjustment principle is blocked. When a principle is blocked, it can no longer be specified on customer information cards, subscription orders and subscription order lines. Blocked principles already specified on customer information cards are not inherited to new subscription orders and subscription order lines.

However, blocking a principle which is already specified on a subscription order line has no effect on the subscription order line in question. This means that even though the principle has been blocked, prices will still be adjusted for the line according to the adjustment principle.

Allow Deflation If this field is selected, prices are adjusted down in case of deflation (for example, the price index is lowered). If this is not selected, prices can only be adjusted up and not down, and in case of deflation the prices will therefore not be adjusted.
Price Index Table In this field, you can specify the name of the price index table to be used for price adjustments on subscription lines with the current price adjustment principle. If you do not specify a price index table, price adjustments are always run according to the minimum and maximum percentages specified on the adjustment principle.
Minimum Percentage In this field, you can specify the minimum percentage by which to adjust unit prices on subscription lines with the current price adjustment principle. If you specify 0.0, no minimum percentage will apply. For further information about the use of the field, see the introduction to this window.
Maximum Percentage In this field, you can specify the maximum percentage by which to adjust unit prices on subscription lines with the current price adjustment principle. If you specify 0.0, no maximum percentage will apply. For further information about the use of the field, see the introduction to this window.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.