Price Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Price Lists Tab.

Price List Island

Field Description
Name Here you can enter the name of the price list. The name is the identification of the price list An unlimited number of characters can be entered here, and you can use both letters and numbers. You can change the name of an existing price list. All issue names of the price list will be changed if the name is changed here. Completion of the field is mandatory.
Issue This field shows the issue number of the current price list issue.
Period This field shows the period within which the price list issue is valid.
Currency Select the currency of the price list here. This currency will be used to specify prices in the table part. You cannot change the currency code of an existing price list.

You maintain currencies in the Popup Fields window in the Set- Up module.

Application Here you specify whether the price list applies to sales or purchases. The pop-up field has two values: “Sales Price List” and “Purchase Price List.” Sales price lists are used in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders modules. Purchase price lists are used in the Accounts Payable and Item Purchase modules. You cannot change the application of an existing price list.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines You must mark this field to display the items in the price list in the window. When marked, the table shows all items in the price list meeting the selection criteria specifications in this island. This field is not marked when the windows is opened. This means allows the window to be opened quickly, without immediately calling up every item in the price list.

Although you can specify in an item’s information card, it is not to be printed on a price list, the item will still be shown in this window.

Item No. Here you can enter a range of item numbers. If the “Show Lines” field is marked, the table will show the items in the price list within this range. The items are sorted by item number.
Item Group Here you can select an item group. The table will show items in this group, if the “Show Lines” field is marked.

The item group refers to the group that was selected in the item information card when the item was entered in the price list.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Name Here you can enter the name of an access level. Users only have access to seeing information about the current price list and referring to it in other windows if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to price lists may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module. The access level applies to all issues of the price list.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current price list.

Description This field shows the description of the access level specified in the field above.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.