Update Job Budget Resource Allocations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Update Job Budget Resource Allocations tab.

Key island

Field Description
Job Budget Line Instance Key Select a job budget line in the planning budget for the job that you wish to update.
Employee No.

If you are updating a budget line for a time activity, select an employee.

For budget line on amount activities, leave this field blank.

Year Enter the year of the resource allocation.

Month Frequency island

Field Description
Twelve Months

Select this check box to update allocations for up to a year. When selected, you can enter cost or quantity from January to December, corresponding to the year entered in the Year field.

When deselected, the system considers cost or quantity allocations for one month only, depending on the value entered in the Month field.

By default, this check box is deselected.

Values island

Field Description

Enter a value from 1 to 12 in this field to indicate which month should be updated with allocations.

When the Twelve Months check box is deselected, the system considers cost or quantity allocations for one month only, depending on the value entered in this field.


Enter the allocated quantity for the line.

If you are updating a budget line for an amount activity, leave this field blank.

If you enter a value of 0 in this field, Maconomy does not create the resource allocation. If you enter a value of zero for an existing resource allocation, Maconomy deletes it.

For time activities, the cost price, billing price, and standard billing price on the resource allocation is calculated based on the general price setup in Maconomy.

If the Twelve Months check box is deselected, the value entered in this field is considered for the month indicated in the Month field.


Enter the allocated total cost price for the line.

If you are updating a budget line for a time activity, leave this field blank.

If you enter a value of zero in this field, Maconomy does not create the resource allocation. If you enter a value of zero for an existing resource allocation, Maconomy deletes it.

For amount activities, the total cost price is as entered in this field. The billing and standard billing prices are calculated based on the given total cost price and the general price setup (such as a markup % in a price list).

By default, the resource quantity in this field is set to one.

If the Twelve Months check box is deselected, the value entered in this field is considered for the month indicated in the Month field.

Values for Twelve Months island

Field Description
Quantity, January-December

Enter the allocated quantity for each month.

If you are updating a budget line for an amount activity, leave these fields blank.

If you enter a value of zero in these fields, Maconomy does not create the resource allocation. If you enter a value of zero for an existing resource allocation, Maconomy deletes it.

For time activities, the cost price, billing price, and standard billing price on the resource allocation is calculated based on the general price setup in Maconomy.

To allow the system to use the values entered in these fields. the Twelve Months check box must be selected.

Note: Values entered for each month correspond to the months of the year entered in the Year field found under the Key island.
Field Description
Cost, January-December

Enter the allocated total cost price for each month.

If you are updating a budget line for a time activity, leave these fields blank.

If you enter a value of zero in these fields, Maconomy does not create the resource allocation. If you enter a value of zero for an existing resource allocation, Maconomy deletes it.

For amount activities, the total cost price is as entered in these fields. The billing and standard billing prices are calculated based on the given total cost price and the general price setup (such as a markup % in a price list).

By default, the resource quantity in these fields is set to one.

To allow the system to use the values entered in these fields. the Twelve Months check box must be selected.

Note: Values entered for each month correspond to the months of the year entered in the Year field found under the Key island.
Keep Current Allocation Copy to come.

Control island

Field Description
Delete Allocations Select this check to box to delete all resource allocations and the assigned employee for the specified budget line.

Update Job Budget island

Field Description
Job No. Enter or select a job number if you wish to update all lines for a specific job when you use the Update Job Budget action.
Progress Evaluation Date This field shows the progress evaluation date of a current, ongoing progress evaluation on the job specified in the Job No. field. A warning message displays if past progress evaluations exist on the job, but there is no current, ongoing progress evaluation.