Quote Editing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Quote Editing tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This is the name and number of the job for which you are generating a quote or order confirmation. The job must be invoiceable.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job belongs. The job group can be changed in the Jobs window as long as the job status is “Quote.”
Status This is the current job status. The status is either “Quote” or “Order.” You cannot change a job’s status here.

As long as a job has “Quote” status, you can print quotes to the customer using the “Print Quote” action. When the job has “Order” status, you can print order confirmations with the “Print Order Confirmation” action.

When a job is created, it is automatically given “Quote” status, unless you have marked the “Created as Order” field in the System Information window. You can change the status to “Order” in the window Jobs.

Budget Island

Field Description
Currency This field shows the currency the job is handled in. The currency is selected in the window Job Information. All amounts in this window are converted to the job’s currency.
Billing Price, Budget This field shows any budgeted billing price for the whole job in the job’s currency. Job budgets are entered in the window Job Budgets. The amount here is the sum of all the amounts on the budget lines of the latest revision of the current budget. The amount is also shown in the window Job Budgets in the “Billing Price”/”Total” field.
Max. Billing Price This field shows the expected or agreed-on billing price for the whole job in the job’s currency. The amount is entered and can be changed in the window Jobs. It can also be changed in the window Job Budgets in the island Limit.
Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the latest approved revision of the current job budget, if it exists and if the job parameter attribute “Check Budget Against Quote” has the value “Yes.” For more information, please see the description of the job parameter type “Budgeting.” A revision of the budget is created every time a budget is approved or when a user selects the action “New Revision” in the window Job Budgets.
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the current job budget if the job parameter attribute “Check Budget Against Quote” has the value “Yes.”
Deviation If the job parameter attribute “Check Budget Against Quote” has the value “Yes,” this field shows any deviation between the total budgeted billing price, as displayed in the field “Billing Price, Budget” above, and the quote price according to this window. If there is a difference between the two amounts, Maconomy will issue an alert when you approve the quote. For more information, please see the description of the action “Approve Quote.”

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the quote. You make a revision of a quote by selecting the action “New Revision” in the Action menu or by reopening an approved quote.
Remarks In these fields, you can enter information about the current revision of the quote. When you choose to create a revision of the quote, the contents of these fields will be removed, allowing you to enter remarks about the new revision of the quote. These fields are the only fields in the quote which are affected by the creation of a revision. The remarks can still be viewed in the window Quote Revisions.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current job. The value cannot be changed here.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company assigned to the current job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer to whom the quote or order confirmation applies. It cannot be changed here. Below the customer number is the first line of the customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Job Information. The name cannot be changed here either.
Bill to Customer This is the number of the paying customer. It cannot be changed here. Below the customer number is the first line of the bill-to customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Job Information. The name cannot be changed here either.

Quote Island

Field Description
New Quote Price This is the total price of the quote or order confirmation. The amount is converted into the job’s currency. It is printed as the line total on the quote or order confirmation.

If you edit the quote or order confirmation manually by changing the price or prices on the lines, the amount will be equal to the sum of the lines’ billing prices in the “Billing Price, Total” field in the table part of this window.

If the quote or order confirmation has been created in this window by transferring a job budget to quote using the action “Transfer to Quote” in the window Job Budgets, and if the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts for this job are not to be shown only as a total, the amount here will, before it is edited, be the sum of the job budget lines. If the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts must be shown on lines, the amount here will be equal to the sum of the amounts in the field “Billing Price, Total” in the table part of this window.

If the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts for the job are only to be shown as a total, or if the quote has not been created using the action “Transfer to Quote” in the window Job Budgets, the amount here will, before it is edited, be the sum from the field “Effective Quote Price” field in either the Jobs or Job Budgets window.

When you create invoice selections in the Invoice Selection window, you can retrieve the quote price from this field to the invoice selection and use it as the total amount to be invoiced.

If the fixed price of a job is set up to be determined by the quote price specified for the job, you can specify the desired quote price in this field or in the field “Current Quote Price” in the window Job Budgets.

Invoice Disc. This is the invoice discount given for the job. Invoice discount is shown both as a percentage and an amount in the job’s currency.

The invoice discount percentage is entered in the Job Information window. You can change it in the Invoice Selection window before the job is invoiced.

You cannot change either discount percentage or amount here.

Tax This is the total tax amount for the quote or order confirmation. The amount is the sum of the tax amounts on the lines in the table part. If a line contains a tax code which is not blank, the tax amount is found from the “Billing Price Total” field and the standard tax code, which is entered in the System Information window in the Set-Up module. This only applies if you are not applying differentiated tax. If differentiated tax rates are being used, the line’s tax amount is found using the tax code on the line.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax 1,” “Tax 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Balance Due This field shows the total quote or order confirmation price in the job’s currency. The amount is printed as grand total on the quote or order confirmation. It is the sum of the three fields above it: “Quote Price,” “Invoice Disc.,” and “Tax.”
Effective Quote Price This field shows the effective quote price of the job. This is the price shown in other Maconomy windows, including the windows Jobs and Job Budgets. The amount is originally calculated as described in the field “New Quote Price” above. If the job is billed based on time and materials, the amount in this field is constantly updated according to the amount in the field “New Quote Price.” After the first quote approval, the price in this field is the effective quote price of the latest approved revision of the quote. The quote must be approved each time the quote price is changed for the new quote price to become the effective quote price.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays if the quote has been submitted. The field is completed automatically, when the action “Submit Quote” is selected.
Approved This field displays if the quote has been approved. The field is completed automatically, when the action “Approve Quote” is selected, and the mark is removed if the quote is reopened.
Reopened This field displays if the quote has been reopened. The field is completed automatically when the quote is reopened.

Copy Quote Island

Field Description
Copy from Job No. In this field, you enter a job number if you wish to copy a quote from another job. See the description of the action “Copy Quote” for more information about quote copying.
Copy From Revision No. In this field, you can select which revision of the quote from the job entered above you wish to copy. If the revision number is “0” or the field is blank, the current quote of the selected job will be copied when you select the action “Copy Quote.”

Restore Quote Revision Island

Field Description
Restore from Revision No. In this field, you can restore the current quote to a previous revision. Enter the revision of the quote to which you want to restore the quote in this field, and select the action “Restore Quote Revision.” If the revision number in this field is “0” or the field is blank, the latest revision of the quote will be restored when you select the action. For more information, please see the description of the action “Restore Quote Revision.”