Job Card Workspace

Use this workspace to review entries that you created for a job in the Job Cost module

Use selection criteria to narrow down the entries that are shown. You can also choose to see only open entries, which are entries that have not been invoiced or closed. Entries are sorted by entry date, then by journal number. You cannot make any changes in this workspace.

The Job Card tab displays general and account information about the job. The Job Entries sub-tab displays individual job entries. These are sorted first by entry date, then by journal number.

You can select the entries that you want to view in the sub-tab by specifying selection criteria in the tab. This can give you a good overview of job entries created by a specific employee or in a particular period. The first time that you open this window, you must specify these criteria, but after you have done this once, Maconomy saves the selection criteria for you. This means that each time that you open this workspace, Maconomy displays the last selection criteria that you entered.

You can also choose to see open entries only. Because there can be many entries on a job, Maconomy supplies two system parameters to help delimit the entries in this workspace. If you select the Open job card without delimitation system parameter, the Job Entries sub-tab of this workspace displays all of the entries for any period. If you select the Show Only Open Entries when Opening Job Card system parameter, the Job Entries sub-tab only displays open entries. You can combine these parameters in the following ways:
Open Job Card without Delimitation Show Only Open Entries … Entries Shown in Job Entries Sub-Tab (Default)
Selected Not selected All entered
Selected Selected All open entries
Not selected Not selected All entries for current month
Not selected Selected All open entries for current month

This workspace resembles the Financial Job Card workspace, which shows the open, changed, and closed amounts on items that have been entered, invoiced, or revenue-recognized within a user-defined period, as well as information about work in progress and amounts that have been written up or down on the job, whereas this workspace displays details about work completed on the relevant job.

You can print job cards using the Print This action.