Job Invoices On Account Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoices On Account tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job to which any job invoices or job credit memos on account pertain.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the current job is assigned.
Responsible This field shows the name of the person in the company responsible for the current job.
Department This field shows the department to which the job is assigned.

Invoiced on Account Island

Field Description
Amount, Net On Account These fields show the net amount invoiced on account, both for this job, for job collection and the total amount. All amounts are displayed in the job’s currency.
Tax, Net On Account These fields show the net tax invoiced on account, both for this job, for job collection and the total amount. All amounts are displayed in the job's currency.
Approved for reconciliation These fields show the sum of net on account amounts currently reconciling approved draft invoices of entries for the job, both for this job, for job collection and the total amount. All amounts are displayed in the job's currency.
Net On Account, Fixed These fields show the net amount invoiced on account included in the fixed price, both for this job, for job collection and the total amount. All amounts are displayed in the job's currency.
Reconciliation, Fixed In this field, you can specify the amount with which you want to reconcile the fixed price part of the invoice or credit memo on account at the next regular job invoicing. Maconomy suggests the amount that has not yet been reconciled, which is the difference between the amounts in the fields "Amount, Currency" and "Amount Reconciled, Currency.” The tax amounts are automatically updated.

The field Reconciliation Amount in the table part of the window is automatically updated from changes of the field.

Net On Account, Not Fixed These fields show the net amount invoiced on account not included in the fixed price, both for this job, for job collection and the total amount. All amounts are displayed in the job's currency.
Reconciliation, Not Fixed In this field, you can specify the amount with which you want to reconcile the non-fixed-price part of the invoice or credit memo on account at the next regular job invoicing. Maconomy suggests the amount that has not yet been reconciled, which is the difference between the amounts in the fields "Amount, Currency" and "Amount Reconciled, Currency.” The tax amounts are automatically updated.

The field Reconciliation Amount in the table part of the window is automatically updated from changes of the field.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current job. For more information, please see the description of the window Jobs.

Customer island

Field Description
Ship to Customer This field shows the number of the customer who has ordered the job. Below it is the first line of the customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number of the customer who is being invoiced for the job. Below it is the first line of the customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card. Please note that in case of split billing there may be several bill-to customers on the job.

Payment Island

Field Description
Payment Terms This field shows the payment terms that apply to the invoices created for this job. Payment terms are chosen in the window Job Information.
Blanket Invoice If this field is marked, the invoices made for the current job are to be blanket invoiced, that is, invoice lines for the same customer are joined on one invoice. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information.
Tax This field shows whether the invoices created for the current job are subject to tax. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information.
Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Price Information.

Job Collection Island

Field Description
Job Collection This field shows the name and number of the job collection for jobs included in a job collection. The field is also displayed in the Jobs and Blanket Invoice Overview windows.
Shares On Account A check mark in this field indicates that an invoice on account belongs to a job that shares its invoices on account with other jobs and some of those other jobs have an approved invoice selection.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module.”