Price Areas Workspace

Use this workspace to create and maintain price areas.

You use price areas when you project prices; price areas are part of price registers.

The Price Area List tab displays the standard User island. You cannot edit the fields in this island.

Use the Price Areas sub-tab to define price areas by using a number of ranges of Maconomy's dimensions in the chart of accounts. When the selection criteria of a journal line fall within a price area, the price area is valid for that journal line.

If you do not enter a price area range for a given dimension, Maconomy does not take the dimension into account when it assigns a price area to a given selection criterion.

For example, if you enter values in the range Location From and Location To and do not enter values for other dimensions, Maconomy selects the journal line or the budget entry based solely on the Location dimension, regardless of any other dimension values in the selection criteria.

If you do not enter ranges for any dimension values at all, the price area applies to all selection criteria.

After you create a price area, it appears in all price registers in which you can assign an index value to the price area. The default index value is 100 until you change it in the Price Registers workspace.

If you delete a price area, Maconomy deletes it from all price registers, and you can no longer use it for price projection. For example, if you create a budget model that is based on the budget model for a previous fiscal year and use price registers to project the prices, Maconomy automatically creates a budget journal for the new budget model, and the prices are projected accordingly. If you later delete the price area that was used for that project, the budget journal is not updated. Similarly, if the budget journal was approved before you deleted the price area, the budget entries are not updated.

If multiple price areas apply to a specific selection criterion, Maconomy uses the price area that is listed first in the Price Areas sub-tab.