Automatic Payment Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Automatic Payment Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Payment Date This field shows the payment order’s payment date.
Vendor No. This field shows the payment order’s billing vendor number.
Supplier No. This field shows the supplier’s billing number.
Paym. No. This field shows the payment order’s payment number.

Maconomy allocates a number from the window System Numbers when you make a payment from the Automatic Payment window. The number is given to all the payment orders being transferred.

Paid, Currency This field shows the payment order amount in the delivery vendor’s currency.
Currency This field shows the delivery vendor’s currency.
Paid, Base This field shows the payment order amount in the base currency.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company which carried out the current payment.
Entered You can mark this field to show that the payment order is registered, that is, that the payment agent has received and accepted the order.
Paid You can mark this field to show that the payment order has been paid, that is, that the payment agent has registered the payment as paid. If an automatic payment is registered as paid, the matching vendor entry will be registered as paid when the registration is approved.
Error Reported You can mark this field to show that the payment order has an error. When you approve the error report, Maconomy updates the matching vendor entries.
Reversed In this field, you mark the payment order if it has been reversed.

By approving the reversion, the assigned vendor entries are updated in the same way as erroneous entries, but the reversed amount will furthermore be selected for payment on the assigned vendor entries.

Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer to which the current payment order is assigned.
G/L Account No. This field shows the number of the G/L account at which the current payment order is posted.
Payer Identification This field shows the payer identification of the payment order.
Payment Agent This field shows the payment agent chosen for the payment order in question.
Payment Mode This field shows the payment mode chosen for the payment order in question.
Company No. This field shows the number of the customer to which the current payment order is assigned.
Origin This field shows the origin of the payment order.
Check Book This field shows the check book assigned to the current payment order.
Check No. This field shows the check number assigned to the payment order. You can change the number in this field. If you do not change the number here, it will correspond to the original check number.
Original Check No. This field shows the check number used in connection with printouts of the check assigned to the current payment order. You cannot change the value in this field.
Changed by This is the name of the user who last changed the payment order. The field is updated automatically. If you have not made any changes, the field shows who created the payment order.
Changed on This is the date the payment order was last changed. It is updated automatically. If you have not made any changes, the field shows the date on which the payment order was created.