Show Vendor Invoices Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Vendor Invoices tab.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Type This field shows whether the information in the window is for an invoice (“Credit”) or a credit memo (“Debit”).
Invoice No. This is the invoice number of the vendor invoice.
Invoice Date This is the invoice date of the vendor invoice.
Invoice Received Date This field shows the date when you received the vendor invoice.
Reference Date This field shows the reference date for the current vendor invoice.
Packing Slip No. This field shows the packing slip number assigned to the vendor invoice.
Due Date This is the due date of the vendor invoice.
Amount Incl. Tax This is the amount inclusive tax registered on the vendor invoice. The amount is in the currency used on the current invoice.
Amount Incl. Tax For Reconc. This is the invoice amount inclusive tax which has not been allocated in the window Invoice Allocation, but which might have been reallocated in the window Reallocate Invoices. The amount is in the currency of the current invoice.
Tax This is the original tax amount on the invoice. The amount is in the currency of the current invoice.
Tax Amount For Realloc. This is the invoice’s tax amount which has not been allocated in the window Invoice Allocation, but which might have been reallocated in the window Reallocate Invoices. The amount is in the currency of the current invoice.
Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice.
Cash Discount Date This field displays a cash discount date, if any, assigned to the current vendor entry. The date displayed in this field is thus the latest date on which payment should take place if cash discount is to be granted for the current vendor invoice.
Possible Cash Discount % In this field, you can view the cash discount percentage which can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date specified above.
Possible Cash Discount In this field, you can view the cash discount which can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date specified above.
Amount Excl. Discount This field shows the invoice amount minus the calculated cash discount that is possible.
Attn. This field shows the name of the person who is specified as attention person on the invoice.
Disclosable This field shows whether the vendor registered on the invoice has been marked as disclosable.
Show Reallocated Entries Mark this field to also show entries that have been reallocated.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. If a job number was specified on the original vendor invoice, this field shows the job number in question. It also shows the name of the specified job.

Entry Island

Field Description
Reallocation Date This is the reallocation date registered on the invoice.
Entry Date This is the entry date registered on the invoice.
Trans. No. This is the transaction number of the invoice. This number is used for all the entries in the journal.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the invoice.
Description This is the entry text assigned to the invoice.
Posted This field shows whether or not the journal is posted.
Date Posted This is the posting date of the invoice.
Journal No. This is the journal number of the posting journal in which the invoice was originally registered.
Line No. This is the journal line number on which the invoice was registered.

Responsible Island

Field Description
Responsible This field shows the name and number of the employee responsible for approving the current invoice or credit memo.

Pay to Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This is the number of the vendor who is to receive payment of the invoice.

The island also shows the name of the vendor and the first two lines of the vendor’s address. The information is retrieved from the vendor’s information card.

Payment Island

Field Description
Payment Mode This field shows the payment mode used for the current vendor invoice.
Payer Identification This field shows the payer identification assigned to the vendor invoice. The payer identification is used by Maconomy to create payment files for the electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module. This payer identification is entered in the field “Payer Identification” in the window Payment Control.
Payment Description This field shows the code for the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice if the vendor invoice concerns import.

Maconomy uses the payment description in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors.

Card Type Code This field shows the card type code used on the vendor invoice. The code is used by Maconomy to create payment files for the electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module. If you enter neither a card type code nor a payer identification, the vendor’s standard card type code is copied to the vendor entry when the invoice is posted. This card type code is entered in the field “Card Type Code” in the window Payment Control.
Import Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice were imported. Maconomy uses the import date in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module.
Giro This field shows the giro number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.
Bank Acct. No. This field shows the bank account number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.
Reg. No. This field shows the registration number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.
Credit Card No. This field shows the credit card number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.
CPC No. This field shows the CPC number entered on the vendor invoice. The information is for reference.

Vendor Information Island

Field Description
Enterprise In this field, you can specify an enterprise. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain enterprises in the Enterprises field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Segment In this field, you can specify a segment. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain segments in the Segments field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Area In this field, you can specify an area. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain areas in the Area field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This is the number of the vendor assigned to the invoice.

The island also shows the name and the first two lines of the vendor’s address. The information is retrieved from the vendor’s information card.

Purchase Order Island

Field Description
Purchase Order No. This field displays the purchase order number registered, if any, on the current vendor invoice. The value in this field is retrieved from the field “Purchase Order No.” in the table part of the window Vendor Invoices.

If a value is shown in this field, a number of reallocation lines have been created automatically in the table part of the window, corresponding to the lines on the purchase order in question.

Allocation, Currency Island

Field Description
Status This field shows the current status of the invoice displayed in the window. The field can show one of the following options:
  • Awaits Allocation — The invoice journal has been submitted and approved for posting, but no invoice allocation line has yet been created for the invoice in question.
  • Allocation Started — Allocation lines have been created, but have not yet been submitted or fully allocated.
  • Awaits Approval — The invoice or the allocation has been submitted for approval and awaits approval for posting.
  • Awaits Posting — The invoice journal has been approved, but has not yet been posted.
  • Allocation Completed — The allocation has been fully approved and posted, and is thus completed.
Released for Posting This field shows whether the allocation of the invoice has been approved.
Remainder Excl. Tax This field shows how much of the total amount, tax excluded remains to be allocated on the lines in the table part of the window.
Remainder Tax This field shows how much of the total tax amount on the vendor invoice remains to be allocated on the lines in the table part of the window.
Remainder Incl. Tax This field shows how much of the total amount inclusive tax remains to be allocated on the lines in the table part of the window.
Responsible for Allocation This field shows the name and employee number of the person specified as responsible for allocating the invoice.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name and number of the company specified on the current vendor invoice.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.
Global Location No. If a global location number has been specified on the vendor invoice, you can enter the global location number here. Global location numbers are used in electronic invoices, and therefore this field will typically be completed automatically on electronically read vendor invoices.

Global location numbers are set up in the window Company Locations in the G/L module and indicate the company, department, warehouse or other entity to receive the invoice. For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the window Company Locations in the G/L module.

If you specify both a global location number and a company, the location number must belong to the specified company. If you specify only a global location number, the invoice is automatically assigned to the company with which the location number is associated.

When a global location number is specified, any registration code and allocation responsible specified for the global location number are transferred to the invoice as if entered manually.

Copy Vendor Invoice Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field displays the number of the vendor assigned to the invoice on the basis of which copying or reversion has been made.
Invoice No. This field displays the number of the invoice on the basis of which copying or reversion has been made.
Journal No. This field displays the number of the journal on the basis of which copying or reversion has been made.
Journal Line No. This field displays the number of the journal line on the basis of which copying or reversion has been made.
Reverse at Copying This field displays whether the current entry has reversed a given vendor entry. See the description of the island Copy Vendor Invoice in the window Invoice Allocation for more information.

Currency Island

Field Description
Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate used when the invoice was posted.
Fixed Exchange Rate at Payment If this field is marked, the exchange rate in which the entry is posted will be fixed when the payment is posted, even though the exchange rate may have changed according to the current exchange rate table.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive This field shows the number of a document archive assigned to the vendor invoice in question. This field also shows the description of the specified document archive.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.
File Name This field shows the name of the file, if any, assigned to the invoice. The file can be displayed by a third party program, for example, Acrobat Reader or a browser by selecting the action “Show Document” in the Action menu of this window. See the description of the field “File Name” in the window Invoice Allocation for further information about assigning a file to an invoice.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This is the location entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Entity This is the entity entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Project This is the project entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Purpose This is the purpose entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Spec. 1-3 This is the specification 1-3 entered for the invoice or credit memo.
Local Spec. 1-3 This is the local specification 1-3 entered for the invoice or credit memo.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks 1-5 These fields show the remarks specified on the invoice.