Print Approval List Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Approval List tab.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Create List If this box is checked, a list is created of the selected invoice lines from the selection criteria not yet attached to any list. The list number is transferred to the window Approval Lists for the invoice lines included in the same list through the selection criteria.

Reprint Island

Field Description
List No. In these fields you can specify a range of list numbers, if you want to reprint existing lists. You cannot both specify a range of list numbers and check the “Include Prev. Lists” box. You can only reprint lists if you select the “Detailed” layout.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Responsible If you specify an employee number in this field, only invoices or invoice lines for the selected employee are included. If you do not fill in this field, invoices or invoice lines are included for all holders of approval who match the other selection criteria.
Company No. If you specify a company number in this field, only invoices or invoice lines for the selected company are included. If you do not fill in this field, invoices or invoice lines are included for all companies which match the other selection criteria and to which the user has access.
Vendor No. If you specify a vendor number in this field, only invoices or invoice lines for the selected vendor are included. If you do not fill in this field, invoices or invoice lines are included for all vendors who match the other selection criteria.
Vendor Invoice No. This field is used together with the field “Vendor No.” to select the invoice lines that are attached to the vendor invoice.
Include Prev. List If you check this box, you specify that unapproved invoice lines from other lists that fall within the specified range are to be included in the current printout. The invoice lines are sorted on the printout by holder of approval and list number. You cannot both check this box and specify a list number or a range of list numbers in the Reprint island.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you select the layout to be used in the printout. If you choose “Detailed,” invoices and invoice lines are printed sorted by list number, holder of approval, vendor and vendor invoice date. If the “Include Prev. Lists” box is checked, the printout will contain unapproved invoices or invoice lines which fall within the range and which have been printed on previous lists.

If you specify a list number or a range of list numbers in the Reprint island, only list numbers that match the entered range of list numbers are included. If you have neither specified list numbers for reprint nor checked the “Include Prev. Lists” box, only unapproved invoice lines that are not already attached to a list and that comply with the other selection criteria are printed. If you check the field “Create List” in this situation, the list is given a list number.

If no layouts have been created using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, “Standard” and “Detailed” are the only available layouts.