Types of Posting Journals

Maconomy provides many types of posting journals, for different types of entries and calculations.

Type Description
General You create this journal in the General Journal workspace. It contains manually entered G/L, customer, and vendor entries. Depending on how you set the Submission of General Journal required and Allow Posting of Own Journals system parameters, you might need to submit a journal before you can post it, and it might need to be posted by a different user from the one who submitted it.
Vendor Invoice You create this journal in the Vendor Invoices workspace in the Accounts Payable module. It contains manually entered vendor invoices and credit memos. If the journal involves a vendor invoice that is assigned to a purchase order that has unsettled job accruals, posting the journal triggers a number of postings that reconcile the job accrual.
Invoice Reallocation You create this journal in the Reallocate Invoices workspace in the Accounts Payable module.
Job You create this journal in the Job Journal workspace in the Job Cost module. When you post the job journal in this workspace, it includes job entries from the Invoice Selection workspace in the Job Cost module, so that customers are invoiced for services sold. Depending on how the Submission of Job Journal required and Allow Posting of Own Journals system parameters are set, you may need to submit a journal before it can be posted, and it may need to be posted by a different user than the one who submitted it. When you make entries to a job in a job group for which there is automatic capitalization, the resulting G/L entries depend on which capitalization principle you selected for the job. When you make entries to a job in a job group that does not have automatic capitalization, or to an unbillable job or activity, Maconomy creates a G/L entry only if you select the Post Hours in Job Journal (for hours entries) or Post Amount in Job Journal (for amount entries) fields in the System Information workspace If you selected the Dept. from Employee field in the System Information workspace, Maconomy takes the posting reference for the offsetting entry for time activities from the department to which the employee belongs. If you do not select this field, Maconomy uses the department to which the job is assigned.
Time Sheet You create this journal when you transfer or approve time sheets in the Time Sheets workspace in the Job Cost module. When you post the time sheet journal in this workspace, the entries are included in the Invoice Selection workspace in the Job Cost module so that the relevant customers are invoiced for services. You can post time sheet journals from this workspace and from the Print Posting Journal workspace.
Expense Sheet You create this journal when you transfer or approve expense sheets that you entered in the Expense Sheets workspace in the Job Cost module. You can post expense sheet journals from this workspace and from the Print Posting Journal workspace.
Customer Reconciliation You create this journal when you approve customer reconciliations in the A/R module. You also use this journal type if the reconciliation produces a cash discount or exchange rate difference.
Automatic Customer Payment You create this journal when customer payments are read from a file or entered and approved manually in the Customer Payment Reporting workspace in the Banking module.
Follow-up Selection You create this journal when you print a petty cash follow-up selection in the Print Follow-Up Selection workspace in the Banking module.
Vendor You create this journal when you print out checks or create an electronic payment file. When the vendor journal is posted, entries are made to the payment mode account for amounts being paid and to the equivalent account belonging to the A/P control account. The amounts are offset when the payment is approved in the Payment Reporting workspace in the Banking module and subsequently posted.
Payment You create this journal when you approve payment selections in the Banking module. You can edit the journal in the Payment Journal workspace in the Banking module, where you can change the entry date and the amount in base currency for currency entries.
Invoice You create this journal by invoicing and crediting in the Sales Orders or Job Cost modules. Invoice journals contain transaction information about the following accounts: customer and customer control accounts, item sales accounts, invoice discounts, the four charge accounts, cost of sales accounts, accounts for non-invoiced cost of sales, accounts for non-inventoried cost of sales, WIP accounts, open billing price accounts, open cost accounts, accounts for outgoing tax, job invoice/contract deviation accounts, and accounts for advance payment of subscriptions. Dimension values on item lines on invoices and credit memos with reference to any of these accounts are posted with the dimension specification. Entries to the customer's account in the Accounts Receivable module are excepted. Entries to customer control accounts, tax accounts, and charge accounts are posted with the dimensions given in the card part of the invoice or credit memo that the invoice journal is related to.
Item You create this journal when you approve inventory change transactions in the Inventory module, approve item receipts in the Item Purchase module, print delivery notes and credit memos in the Sales Orders module, and when you print invoices and credit memos in the Accounts Receivable module. An inventory journal contains information about transactions involving the posting references in Warehouse Information Cards in the Inventory module and the account for unreconciled vendor entries. When you post an inventory journal line that is attached to a job and activity number, the debit entry is marked with the job's dimension information. If you have the Maconomy Bill of Materials module, you also create an inventory journal when you approve a production transaction in the Inventory module.
Job Item You create this journal when you use one of the Print Packing Slip or Release to Invoice actions in the Sales Orders workspace, and you select the Invoice in Job Cost field for the sales order. The entries in this journal are then included in a subsequent invoice selection for the job.
Asset You create this journal when you approve an asset adjustment in the Asset Adjustment workspace. An asset journal shows transactions to posting references in the Asset Groups workspace in the Fixed Assets module.
Asset Depreciation You create this type of journal when you create a depreciation adjustment for one or more assets in the Depreciation Adjustment workspace in the Fixed Assets module.
Asset Sale You create this journal when you use the Asset Disposal workspace to sell an asset (you fill out the Sales island in that workspace and use the Approve Sale action).
Asset Transfer You create this journal when you use the Asset Disposal workspace to transfer an asset (you fill out the Transfers island in that workspace and use the Approve Transfer action).
Asset Relocation You create this journal when you use the Asset Relocation workspace to change the internal location of an asset.
Asset Internal Sale You create this journal when you use the Asset Internal Sale workspace to sell an asset internally.
Bank Reconciliation You create this journal when you approve a set of bank reconciliation lines in the Bank Reconciliations workspace in the Banking module.
Job Reallocation This journal contains approved job reallocation entries from the Job Reallocation workspace. Posting of job reallocation entries is performed according to the principles for job journals.
Job Accrual This journal contains entries for job accruals created in the Job Accruals workspace. When job accruals are posted, a number of job and G/L postings are created (for example, to the WIP account) so that you can invoice a customer for a cost before the cost is entered into Maconomy.
G/L Reallocation You create this journal when you use the Create Journal action in the G/L Reallocation workspace to reallocate G/L entries.
Royalty You create this journal when you approve royalties in the A/P module.
Import You create this journal when you run import programs and other programs from the Programs... menu option.
Job Revenue Recognition This journal contains entries for job revenue recognition adjustments, overrun adjustments, and WIP evaluations. When the journal is posted, a number of job and G/L postings are created (for example, to the account for WIP adjustment and the open sales price account). If the journal is created in connection with overrun adjustments on a job, the entries that are created adjust the open sales price to match the fixed price of the job. If the journal is created as a result of revenue recognition on a job, the entries adjust the capitalized amount to match the completion percentage of the job. If the journal is created as a result of a WIP evaluation, the entries adjust the account for work in progress and the account for open billing price.
Customer Payment This journal contains error entries from reading customer payment files in the Read Customer Payments workspace or manually marking entries as error entries in the Customer Payment Reporting workspace in the Banking module. Before the journal can be posted, the errors must be corrected in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace in the A/R module. Depending on the setting of the Submission of Customer Payment Journal required and Allow Posting of Own Journals system parameters, a journal of this type may need to be submitted before it can be posted, and may need to be posted by a different user than the one who submitted it.
Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance You create this journal when you run currency reports where the Create G/L Entries field is selected. The entries in this journal enter unrealized exchange rate variances in your accounts.
Job Transfer You create this journal when a job is transferred to new dimensions in the Job Transfer workspace in the Job Cost module. The G/L postings that are made as a result of a job transfer depend on the capitalization method selected for the job. If a job is capitalized at cost price, only the accounts for work in progress are affected. If a job is capitalized at billing price, postings are also made to the accounts for open cost and open billing price and to the two accounts for internally transferred cost and sales.
Interest Charge Notice You create journal when an interest charge selection is approved in the Change Interest Charge Selection or Approve Interest Selection workspaces in the A/R module.
Reminder You create this journal when a reminder is approved in the Change Reminder Selection or Approve Reminders workspaces in the A/R module.
Collection You create this journal when a customer collection file is created in the Collection Files workspace in the Banking module.
Tax Settlement You create this journal when approving a tax settlement in the Tax Settlement workspace.
Intercompany Settlement Vendor Invoice You create this journal when you run intercompany settlements in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace.
Intercompany Interest Memo You create this journal when intercompany interest calculations are posted in the Open Entry Intercompany Statement workspace.
Intercompany Grouping You create journal type when intercompany entries are grouped using the "Group Entries" action in the Open Entry Intercompany Statement workspace.