Allocation Keys Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Allocation Keys tab.

Key Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the allocation key in this field when you create it.
Description In this field you can enter a description of the current allocation key.
Allocate From In this field you specify the way in which the current allocation key should allocate amounts. You can choose between the values “Percentage,” “Budget,” and “Actual.”

If you select “Percentage,” you must enter percentages in the Percent island. The values specified in the fields “Period 1-12” display the allocation of the key, and the value in the field “Control %” displays the sum of these fields. If the sum value is different from 100, you cannot use the current allocation key.

If you select “Budget,” you must specify which budget model to allocate from. If you do not specify a version number for the budget model, Maconomy will choose the latest version. In the budget journal, lines with allocation combinations that exist as budget entries in the existing budget, will be allocated in the same way as budget figures in the existing budget.

If you select “Actual,” you must specify the fiscal year to allocate from. In the budget journal, lines with allocation combinations that exist as G/L entries in the existing set of accounts, will be allocated in the same way as in the existing set of accounts.

Budget Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the budget model in this field if the allocation key is being created from an existing budget model. The function of the allocation method is described under the field “Allocate From” above.
Description This field displays the description of the current budget model.
Version In this field you enter a version number for the existing budget model. If you do not enter a value, Maconomy will automatically select the latest version of the budget model specified.

Actual Island

Field Description
Fiscal Year Enter the first date of a fiscal year in this field, if the allocation key is to be based on an actual set of accounts. The function of the allocation method is described under the field “Allocate From” above.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Percent Island

Field Description
Period 1-12 If you selected Percentage in the “Allocate From” field, use these fields to specify a percentage for each period, making sure that the sum of periods 1-12 makes 100. Positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero are permitted values.
Control % This field displays the sum of the percentages mentioned above. The allocation key can only be used if the sum is 100, indicating full allocation.