Dependencies Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Dependencies sub-tab.

Field Description
First Job No. In this field, you specify the number of the job from which the dependency is to be created. Note that it is only possible to create a dependency from the budget line shown in the card part.
First Budget Type This field shows the name of the planning budget type assigned to the current job.
First Line No. In this field, you can specify the line number of the budget line from which the dependency is to be made. It is only possible to create a dependency from the budget line shown in the card part.

Note that dependencies are created from the current line to the line stated in the field “Other Line No.” below. This means that the task of the “other line” is made dependent upon the current line in the card part.

If the job budget is arranged hierarchically, you must enter the hierarchical line number, for instance, 1.7 or 2.5.3. Hierarchical line numbers can be displayed in the window Job Budgets by clicking the small arrow button above the line number column.

First Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the current job budget line.
Second Job No. In this field, you specify the number of the job for which a job budget line is to be made dependent on the task in the card part. In the window Timing Plans, you can only create dependencies between tasks within a single job, but in this window you can make the execution of tasks dependent on tasks in other jobs.
Other Budget Type This field shows the name of the planning budget type assigned to the job specified in the field “Second Job No.” above.
Other Line No. In this field, you can specify the line number of the budget line from the job specified in the field “Second Job No.” above, to which the dependency is to be made. It is only possible to create a dependency from the budget line shown in the card part.

Note that dependencies are created from the current line to the line stated in the field “Other Line No.” below. This means that the task of the “other line” is made dependent upon the current line in the card part.

If the job budget is arranged hierarchically, you must enter the hierarchical line number, for instance, 1.7 or 2.5.3. Hierarchical line numbers can be displayed in the window Job Budgets by clicking the small arrow button above the line number column.

Other Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the budget line specified in the field “Other Line No.” above.