Local Accounts Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Local Accounts sub-tab.

Field Description
Local Account Number Enter the number or name of this local account.
Description Enter the name of the local chart of accounts to which this local account is associated. This field is mandatory.
Account Number Enter the (global) account number this local account belongs to. This field is mandatory.
Overwrite Account Select this check box to control whether the account can be overwritten by the (global) account specified on this local account.
P&L/Balance Sheet This field shows whether this local account is a P&L or Balance Sheet account. This is derived from the (global) account.
Blocked Select this check box to control whether the local account is blocked.
Statistics 1-4 Enter an optional code that you can include in your search criteria for statistical purposes when printing.
Dim. Comb. No. Enter a dimension combination number of the Dimension Derivation type. Dimension Derivations are created in the Dimension Combinations workspace.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy uses the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current company. Note that any dimension derivation values specified in this are used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the company information card.

Derived Location Enter a value specified for the Location dimension if you want this value to be derived from the current local account.
Overwrite Location Select this check box to control whether the location can be overwritten by the derived location specified on this account.
Derived Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the Derived Location field above.
Overwrite Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the Overwrite Location field above.
Derived Project The functionality of this field is similar to the Derived Location field above.
Overwrite Project The functionality of this field is similar to the Overwrite Location field above.
Derived Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the Derived Location field above.
Overwrite Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the Overwrite Location field above.
Derived Specification 2-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the Derived Location field above.
Overwrite Specification 2-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the Overwrite Location field above.
Derived Local Specification 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the Derived Location field above.
Overwrite Local Specification 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the Overwrite Location field above.
Option List 1-10 Enter the option lists containing the values you wish to use for further specification of the local account.
Selected Value 1-10 Select a value from the option list you chose in the Option List 1-10 fields.
Remarks 1-5 Enter any remarks as appropriate.