Finance Reconciliation Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Finance Reconciliation Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date This is the entry date. The entries are sorted by this date.
Description This is the entry text.
Trans. No. This is the entry’s transaction number.
Trans. Type This is the entry’s transaction type.
Debit This is the entry amount in the base currency of the current company, if the entry is a debit entry.
Amount Reconciled, Base This is the entry amount in the base currency of the current company, if the entry is a credit entry.
Quantity This is the entry quantity.
Quantity 2 This is the entry quantity 2.
Location The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Company.”
Date Posted This is the entry’s posting date.
Journal No. This is the number of the posting journal in which the entry is posted.
Intercomp. Company This is the intercompany number if the entry is an intercompany entry.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer to whom the current entry pertains, that is, the customer specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor to which the current entry pertains, that is, the vendor specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the current entry pertains, that is, the job specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Asset No. This field shows the number of the asset to which the current entry pertains, that is, the asset specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee to whom the current entry pertains, that is, the employee specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Activity No. This field shows the number of the activity to which the current entry pertains, that is, the activity specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Item No. This field shows the number of the item to which the current entry pertains, that is, the item specified on the registration that caused the current entry, if any.
Reference Date This field shows the reference date for the current entry. The reference date can manually be specified on G/L journals and vendor invoices. The reference date is automatically set to the job/cost entry date for job-related entries in the cases where the job/cost entry date can be different from the G/L entry date.