Invoice Layout Rules Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain invoice layout rules, which determine the invoice's level of detail, the headers and subtotals shown, and more.

You must specify an invoice layout rule for every job. When a new job is created, the invoice layout rule can be taken from the one specified (if any) for the customer to which the job belongs.

Maconomy uses a job's invoice layout rule to suggest a layout for invoices in the Invoice Selection workspace and the Invoice Editing workspace, and for the customer's quotes in the Quote Editing workspace. However, you must accept the suggestions in every case.

You can set up invoices and invoice selections at four levels and arrange them according to dimensions and budget structure. For example, you can display tasks on the first level and employees on the second level.

Maconomy always displays at least one amount line on an invoice. You can indicate that an invoice be printed without any amount lines (for example, if you select a blank value in the Level 1 field for invoices). In such cases, Maconomy still prints the total invoice amount on a line above the total.