Company Locations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Company Locations tab.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the currently selected company. In the Global Location Numbers sub-tab, you can set up global location numbers assigned to this company.

The remaining fields in this island show the name and address of the company.

Information Island

Field Description
Phone This field shows the telephone number of the current company.
Fax This field shows the fax number of the current company.
Telex This field shows the telex number of the current company.
Giro This field shows the giro number of the current company.
Bank This field shows the name of the bank used by the current company.
Company Reg. No. This field shows the company registration number of the current company.
Credit Card No. This field shows the credit card number of the current company.
Tax No. This field shows the tax number of the current company.