Production Reports Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create a report of a production, so that you can get a report of the actual raw material usage before you approve the production.

The Production Reports tab displays information about the finished item. The Raw materials sub-tab displays the production recipe. You can enter the actual usage of raw materials in the sub-tab, and you can change the composition of the finished item by deleting or adding raw materials. The sub-tab displays information about the raw materials.

This workspace can also handle reverse production. Reverse production means the disassembly of production items, for example, the disassembly of a table into a table top and four legs. In reverse production, Maconomy splits the finished items in question into a number of raw materials that it then adds to the stock of the raw materials warehouse. Maconomy calculates the cost of the raw materials from the cost of the finished item, using the price ratios that you specify on the BOM. However, you can change the price ratios in this workspace.

You can retrieve a finished item in this workspace after you enter a production transaction in the BOM Production workspace, and after you create a production selection in the Production Selection workspace.

You can change the quantity of raw materials before you reserve the items in the BOM Production workspace. Thus, you only reserve the necessary amount of raw materials.