Invoice Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
External Description This column shows a description of each line item in the invoice. This is the text that will appear on the invoice.
Quantity This column shows the unit quantity for each line item on the invoice.
Price This column shows the price per unit of each line item in the invoice.
Total Price This column shows the total price of line item. This is derived using the formula: Quantity * Price = Total Price.
Budget This column shows the budgeted billing price allotted to each line item on the invoice.
Available This column shows the available billing price for invoicing on each line item on the invoice.
Carry Forward This column shows the carry forward amount for each line item in the invoice.
Only Total Price This field shows only the total price.
Type This column shows the line type. The line either of the type Time, Amount, Time and Amount, Sum/Text, or Info. This is set by the Prepare Invoice action and reflects the activity type for the underlying entries for invoicing, in case the invoice is based on job entries. Lines of the type Info are created if there is a budget or purchase for which there are no actuals.
Description This column shows a description of each line item in the invoice, such as task description or employee name, depending on the chosen invoice layout rule.
Origin This field shows the origin of the line, such as task name or employee number, depending on the chosen invoice layout rule.
Tax Code This column shows the tax code that applies to each line item in the invoice.
Unit This field displays the unit specified for the quantity on the line.

This field is not displayed by default, but the view can be customized to display it.