Job Search Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Search tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Selection Criterion Specification No. This field shows the number of the current selection criterion specification. The number was entered at the creation of the selection criterion specification in the window Selection Criterion Specification and cannot be changed in this field.
Description This field shows the description of the current selection criterion specification. The number was entered at the creation of the selection criterion specification in the window Selection Criterion Specification and cannot be changed in this field.
Type This field shows the type of the current selection criterion specification. The type was selected at the creation of the selection criterion specification in the window Selection Criterion Specification and cannot be changed in this field. In this window it is only possible to see selection criterion specifications of the type “Job.”
Public This field shows whether the current selection criterion specification can be seen by all users or only by the user who created it.
Blocked This field shows whether the current selection criterion specification has been blocked in the window Selection Criterion Specification.

Result Delimitation Island

Field Description
No. Lines If a selection criterion specification is very broad and includes a substantial number of jobs, it may cause a heavy system load. Therefore, a default limit of 200 jobs has been specified, so that the search is interrupted once 200 jobs have been found. You are free to change this value.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout When the action “Print Search Result” is selected, Maconomy prints out the overview of the jobs found. In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option. With this layout the jobs are printed with the information that is also shown in the table part.