Job Selection in Blanket Invoice Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Selection in Blanket Invoice Selection tab.

User Island

Field Description
Username This field shows the current users username. This is an internal field used for making sure only current users specific selection criteria show and have effect.

Selection of Jobs Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you mark this field, the lines that match the values specified in the selection criteria below are shown in an attached table. Please note that the actions selected in the Action menu will be carried out on all jobs that match the selection criteria, regardless of whether the lines are shown in the table part.
Job Use this field to filter only a particular single job for blanket invoice selection right now.
Account Manager Use this field to filter only jobs having this particular account manager for blanket invoice selection right now.
Project Manager Use this field to filter only jobs having this particular project manager for blanket invoice selection right now.
Employee 1-10 Use these fields to filter only jobs having particular employees 1-10 for blanket invoice selection right now.
Company Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to this particular company for blanket invoice selection right now.
Location Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to this particular location for blanket invoice selection right now.
Entity Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to this particular entity for blanket invoice selection right now.
Project Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to this particular project for blanket invoice selection right now.
Purpose Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to this particular purpose for blanket invoice selection right now.
Spec. 1-3 Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to the particular specification 1-3 for blanket invoice selection right now.
Local Spec. 1-3 Use this field to filter only jobs belonging to the particular local specification 1-3 for blanket invoice selection right now.
Only Open Activities When this check box is marked only jobs with open entries included in the blanket invoice.