Invoice Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the item invoiced on the item line. The value is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Quantity This is the quantity of items invoiced.
Unit This is the unit in which the item is registered in the warehouse. The value is retrieved from the item’s information card in the Inventory module.
Description This is the item text specified in the field “Description” on the invoice or in the “External Description ” field on the sales order.
Unit Price This is the unit price of the item. The unit price is calculated when the invoice or sales order is created. Any quantity discount has been deducted.
Discount % This is the discount percentage rate from the item line in the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Discount This is the discount amount from the item line in the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Extended Price This is the extended price calculated by multiplying the invoiced quantity by the unit price and dividing this sum by the pricing unit. Any line discount is then deducted. The extended price is added to the field “Sales” in the Price island in the card part of the window.
Pricing Unit This is quantity of units included in the item’s unit price. The value is retrieved from the item’s information card in the Inventory module.
Discount Desc. This is the discount description on the item line in the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Ordered This is the quantity of items ordered in the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Back Orders This is the volume of back orders at the time the invoice was created.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one pricing unit. It is retrieved from the invoice in the window Invoices or the sales order in the window Sales Orders.
Quantity Disc. This is the quantity discount justified by the quantity of items on the invoice line.
Order No. This is the number of the sales order in which the invoice line originates. If the invoice is created in the window Invoices, it is given an internal order number from the Sales Orders system numbers in the Set-Up module. This number is shown here.
Line No. This is the number of the invoice line or order line, in which the invoice line originates.
Location This is the location specified on the invoice or sales order line from which the invoice line originates. The information is used when the invoice is posted.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields show the extra texts entered in the corresponding fields on the invoice or order line which forms the basis of the current invoice line.
Popup 1-5 These fields show the pop-up values entered in the corresponding fields on the invoice or order line which forms the basis of the current invoice line.