Import Price Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Import Price Lists Tab.

Price List Island

Field Description
Name Here you can select which price list the imported prices are to update. The pop-up field shows existing price lists created in the Price Lists window.

If an item in the import file already exists in the price list, its price will be updated at step 1. If an item is not already in the price list, it will be inserted in the price list at step 1, provided it exists in Maconomy. If the price list has quantity discounts, Maconomy recalculates the other price steps from the imported price and the discount percentages given in the Quantity Discounts window.

Issue In this field you can enter the issue number of a price list. The issue number and the name stated in the field “Name” determine the price list which will be imported. The suggested issue number is 1.
Currency Here you select the currency of the prices in the import file. If they are not in the same currency as the price list you are updating, Maconomy converts them using the current exchange rate table.

The pop-up field shows the currency codes you have entered in the Popup Fields window. Exchange Rate tables are created in the Exchange Rate Tables window and you select the current table in the System Information window.

Change % Here you can enter a percentage if you wish adjust the prices in the import file. The original price data in the file are not changed.

If you enter a positive figure, the prices are increased. If you enter a negative figure, the prices are reduced.

Company No. In this field, you can select the company to use for the exchange rate calculations. The installation company number is used by default. It can also be used to import price lists using the exchange rates for a specific company.

Import Island

Field Description
All Price Steps Here you decide whether to import prices at all steps. If you mark the field, every line in the import file must contain the following fields: (tab-separated): Item Number, Price Step 1, Quantity Step 2, Price Step 2, Quantity Step 3, …, Price Step 6, Quantity Step 6, Recommended Sales Price.

If a field in the import file is marked “#KEEP,” the value from the existing price list will be applied. However, stating a new value of a given field in the import file will cause the stated price to be changed. If the relation between the price at Step 1 and the recommended sales price is adjusted (caused by a markup percentage), an alteration of one of these fields will result in an adjustment of the other field.

If the item exists in the price list, Maconomy writes over all the values and the discounts are re-calculated (that is, the quantity for the different price steps can be changed). If the item is not in the price list, it is created there if the “Create New” field is marked and the item exists in Maconomy.

If the field is not marked, Maconomy will only import prices at step 1.

You can also enter a comment in the import file. This is done by creating a line in which the first field is left blank.

Create New Here you decide whether to create items that are in the import file but not in the price list. If the field is marked, Maconomy will put the items from the import file in the price list if the items exist in Maconomy. If the mark is removed, Maconomy will not put the new items in the price list.
Write Over Price List If you mark this field, all lines on the chosen price list will be deleted before you start the import. Then, the new price list is generated, based on the data in the import file. If a markup percentage is stated on the existing price list, it will not be written over but used to recalculate the recommended sales price using the new price at Step 1.
Ignore Non-existing items If you mark this field, Maconomy will ignore any items in the import file which do not already exist in the system.