Item Purchase Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Purchase Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. In this field, you can enter the item number of the item you wish to purchase. Maconomy verifies that the item number exists in the Item Information Card window. For items with inventory control, Maconomy will alert you if the vendor on the item purchase order has not been registered as a vendor of the current item in the window Suppliers.
Ordered In this field, you can specify how many item units to order. The quantity must be either zero or divisible by the item’s minimum purchase unit.
Description This is the item text. Maconomy retrieves the text from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module, but you can change it here.
Unit Price This is the item’s unit price suggested for the item purchase order line. If the item purchase order is assigned to a price list, and the item is included in the price list, Maconomy suggests the price from the price list.

When setting the price of an item, the estimated delivery date is used as a reference to the price list issue which is valid at the time of delivery.

Maconomy includes any quantity discount justified by the quantity ordered. You can change the suggested price.

If the item is not included in the price list, or the item purchase order is not assigned to a price list, Maconomy suggests the latest cost at the current warehouse from the item information card, converted to purchase units from sales units. This cost includes any invoice discount/charges incurred when you last bought the item you could distort the price by entering new discounts or charges in the “Invoice Discount %” or “Expense %” fields.

Pricing Unit This is the quantity of item units included in the unit price. The value is retrieved from the field “Unit, Purchase” on the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here.
Discount % This field shows a discount percentage, if the conditions for getting a discount via an item discount agreement have been fulfilled on the current item line. You can change the suggested discount percentage in this field, but you cannot enter a percentage in this field as well as a discount amount in the field “Discount,” as these two fields follow each other in such a way that the discount percentage is calculated on the basis of the discount amount.

If the current line is a text line, no value can be entered in this field.

Discount This field shows a discount amount, if the conditions for getting a discount via an item discount agreement have been fulfilled on the current item line. You can change the suggested discount percentage in this field, but you cannot enter an amount in this field as well as a discount percentage in the field “Discount %,” as these two fields follow each other in such a way that the discount percentage is calculated on the basis of the discount amount.

If the current line is a text line, no value can be entered in this field.

Extended Price This is the extended price calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit price and dividing this sum by the pricing unit. The extended price is included in the “Goods” field in the Price island in the card part of the window. The value cannot be changed manually.
Deliv. Date Here you enter the date on which you would like the supplier to deliver the items. If a preferred delivery date has been specified in the card part, Maconomy suggests this preferred delivery date from the card part, but you can specify another delivery date.

If no date is specified in the card part, and you have not manually entered a delivery date, Maconomy calculates a delivery date by checking the supplier’s delivery time for the item to the current warehouse in the window Suppliers and adds it to today’s date. If a week calendar has been specified in the vendor information card of the supplier, Maconomy also adds the number of days within the delivery time on which the vendor’s business is closed, thus compensating for, for example, weekends and holidays.

Please note that the date in this field indicates the requested delivery date not the date you expect the items to arrive. However, you can specify an expected arrival date in the field “Expected Delivery Date,” a confirmed delivery date in the field “Confirmed Delivery Date” or an expected availability date in the field “Expected Availability Date.”

Expected Delivery Date In this field, you can specify the date on which you expect the supplier to deliver the items on the line.

Maconomy suggests the delivery date on the line plus any number of delivery days (either specified for the vendor if the vendor is created as a supplier of the item in question in the window Suppliers, or in the window Item Information Card if the vendor is not a supplier of the item). However, if you specify a delivery date which corresponds to today’s date plus the number of delivery days, or more, the expected delivery date is set to the same date as the delivery date.

The expected delivery date can be changed to another date manually. However, it cannot be set to a date earlier than the preferred delivery date on the item purchase order.

Confirmed Deliv. Date In this field, you can enter the date which the supplier has confirmed as the day the items will be delivered. When you do so, the specified date plus any number of preparation days specified for the vendor if the vendor is created as a supplier of the item in question in the window Suppliers is copied to the field “Expected Availability Date.” If you change the confirmed delivery date later, the new confirmed delivery date will cause the expected availability date to be changed accordingly.

However, if you have changed the expected delivery date first, and the new confirmed delivery date plus any number of preparation days is earlier than or equal to the expected delivery date, the expected delivery date is not changed.

If you manually specified an expected availability date at the same time as entering a new confirmed delivery date, the manually entered expected delivery date is not overwritten.

Expected Availability Date In this field, you can enter the date on which you expect the items on the current line to be available for sale. If the item uses inventory profile, this date is used as the date on which the purchase volume represented by the current line will be added to the stock.

Maconomy suggests the expected delivery date plus any number of preparation days specified for the vendor if the vendor is created as a supplier of the item in question in the window Suppliers. However, if a confirmed delivery date is specified, the expected availability date is changed to the confirmed delivery date plus any number of preparation days. Changing the confirmed delivery date (or the expected delivery date if no confirmed delivery date has been specified) causes the expected availability date to be updated accordingly, as long as the confirmed/expected delivery date (before the change) plus any number of preparation days corresponds to the expected availability date. This means that if you change the expected availability date manually, it is no longer updated when the expected/confirmed delivery date is changed. However, you can re-establish the synchronization by first deleting the confirmed delivery date and then entering a new one, or by changing the expected/confirmed delivery date to the date corresponding to the expected availability date less any number of preparation days.

If you manually specified an expected availability date at the same time as entering a new confirmed or expected delivery date, the manually entered expected availability date is not overwritten.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse at which you expect to receive the items on the current line. If you leave this field blank, the location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line.

It is not mandatory to enter location numbers in this window. However, the location information is also used in the window Item Receipt where the receipt of the items cannot be approved until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.

Remarks Here you can make a note about the order line.
Internal Desc. This is the internal description from the Item Information Card. You can change it here.
Discount Desc. This field shows the discount description from a discount agreement, if an item discount agreement justifying a discount on the current item line on the order has been created. You can change the suggested text in this field.

If you have manually entered a discount on the item line, you can enter a description of the discount in this field. The description is included on the printout of the item purchase order.

If the current line is a text line, no value can be entered in this field.

Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note to be assigned to the current line for further specification. Notes are created and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.
Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.
Item Note No. If the item specified on the line is a template item, that is, an item for which a template note has been specified in the window Item Information Card, this field is automatically completed.

A template item is an item where the generic item information is not specific enough, as certain details may change from order to order. An example of a template item is a business card where the basic information about the card such as the paper type and background color is static, but each time a batch of cards is ordered, the title, name and address to be printed on the card are different. It is therefore important that a number of additional fields are made available so that a user ordering a business card is allowed to enter this information. Once the order line has been created and this field has automatically been completed, you can enter the additional information required for the template item by opening the window Notes in the Set-Up module, selecting the template note in this field, and specifying the relevant data in the table part.

The procedure for the automatic completion of the field depends on whether the purchase order line is created on the basis of a sales order line or not. If the line is not based on a sales order line, Maconomy creates a copy of the template note from the item information card, assigns the copy to the current purchase order line by means of this field. If the line is based on a sales order line, Maconomy creates a copy of the template note from the order line in question, and assigns the copy to the current purchase order line.

For further information on the use and set-up of template items, see the description of the field “Template Note No.” in the window Item Information Card.

The information entered in the note is also printed on external order documents.

Item Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Item Note No.” above.
Extra Text 1-10 In these fields, you can enter supplementary text for a further description of the current item. In the first three fields, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding fields in the item information card. You can change the suggested texts and enter additional information in the remaining seven fields.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various information about the current item. Maconomy suggests the values selected in the corresponding fields on the current item’s information card, but you can change the values for the current item purchase order line in these fields. The options are created in the window Popup Fields the Set-Up module.
Date 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various dates related to the current item purchase order line.
Orig. Quantity In this field, you can enter the number of units of the current item that were ordered originally. When item purchase order lines are created, the value entered in the field “Ordered” is automatically copied to this field. The value can, however, be changed if this is required.
Currently Received This field shows how many items in the item line have already been received. The value cannot be changed here. The field is updated when you enter item receipt in the Item Receipt window.
Vendor Item No. This is the vendor’s item number. For items with inventory control, the value is automatically retrieved from the current combination of warehouse and vendor in the window Suppliers, but the number can be changed in this field.

If you specify a value here, it is printed on the item purchase order instead of your own item number. This makes it easier for the vendor to identify the item.

Vendor Item Desc. This is the vendor’s item text. For items with inventory control, text is retrieved from the current combination of warehouse and vendor in the window Suppliers, but the text can be changed in this field. If you specify a text here, it is printed on the item purchase order instead of your own item text.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one unit of the item, if the order is assigned to a price list and the item is included in the price list. The value cannot be changed manually.
Keep Price This field shows whether the unit price and discount percentage on the current line should be recalculated when changing the quantity. If this field is marked, a change in quantity will not cause the current unit price or discount percentage to be recalculated, even if the new quantity results in, for example, a different price step.
Quantity Disc. This is the quantity discount, if the price list quotes a quantity discount and if the quantity ordered justifies the discount.
Sales Order No. If the item purchase order line is created from a sales order line, in either the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders or the Item Purchase Selection window, this field shows the number of the sales order. It cannot be changed manually.
Duty Code This field shows a code for the duty to be calculated if the vendor is from a foreign country. The duty code is transferred from the item information card in connection with the creation of an item purchase order. The duty code in this field cannot be changed.