Planning Slots Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for Planning Slots sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number specified in the current planning slot.
Job Name This field shows the name of the current job.
Task This field shows the task specified in the current planning slot.
Task Description This field shows the description of the current task.
Act. No. This field shows the activity specified in the current planning slot.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the current activity.
Quantity This field shows the number of hours planned for the current employee on the current date. If you change this field, and a starting time has been specified, the ending time will be recalculated to reflect the new number of hours.
Booking Type In this field, you can specify the type of the allocation on the planning line. The types are “Preliminary,” “Requested,” and “Confirmed.” By specifying a booking type, you can indicate whether the planned hours should be considered tentative or permanent. Allocations of the type “Confirmed” are considered permanent, whereas the less restricted preliminary allocations are preliminary. Requested bookings are allocations that either could not be converted from “Preliminary” to “Confirmed,” or allocations that are to be reviewed by some other person before they are converted to “Confirmed.” See the introduction to the window for further details.

The default value of the field is “Confirmed,” and this type will be suggested for planning lines with no relation to planning budget lines. If the current planning line was created on the basis of a planning budget line, the planning line automatically inherits the allocation type of the related planning budget line. Any subsequent changes made to the allocation type of the related budget line are automatically transferred to the planning line. This means that the value of this field is automatically overwritten with the new type selected for the planning budget line upon approval of the budget line.

The value of the field can be changed to “Preliminary” or “Requested” as required, but it can only be changed to “Confirmed” if the current allocation does not conflict with other confirmed allocations. If a conflict occurs so that the current allocation and one or more other confirmed allocations would cause the planning time of the employee on the current line to be exceeded, the allocation type of the current line will automatically be set to “Requested.” Note that if you change the allocation type, allocations on dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” will not be converted.

If you change the booking type on a planning line from “Confirmed” to “Preliminary,” the hours on the line will be reallocated within the time span of the confirmed allocations. However, if the field “Keep Distribution” in the card part is marked, the hours are reallocated as described in this field.

Note that you cannot create more than three versions, one of each booking type, of planning lines which are similar, that is, have the same combination of job, activity, task, and employee and/or employee category.

Started In this field, you can enter a starting time for the activity in the current planning slot. If you change this field, the ending time will be recalculated to reflect the length of the planning slot as specified in the field “Quantity.”
Finished In this field, you can enter an ending time for the activity in the current planning slot. If you change this field, the number of hours in the field “Quantity” will be recalculated to reflect the number of hours between the starting and ending times.
Remarks In this field, you can enter any remarks concerning the current planning slot.
Description This field shows the description from the corresponding line in the detailed plan.