A/R Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the A/R Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Due Date This field displays the due date of the entry. The calculation of the due date suggested by Maconomy is based on the invoice date and the customer’s payment terms on the current invoice. The due date can be changed in this field. The original due date is shown in the window Periodic Customer Statement.

The due date is the basis for calculation of interest charges.

Entry Date This field displays the date on which the entry was posted in the customer and G/L ledger and thereby which period the entry is a part of.
Trans. No. This field displays the entry’s transaction number. If the entry is copied from a G/L journal, the transaction number has been entered manually. If the entry is copied from an invoice created in the Sales Orders module, the transaction number corresponds to the invoice number and is automatically assigned by Maconomy. The field cannot be changed.
Trans. Type Shows the transaction type of the customer entry.
Description This field displays the entry description. The field cannot be changed.
Debit, Standard This field displays the entry amount in the standard currency of the company-specific customer. The field cannot be changed.

Only open debit entries are shown in this window.

Credit, Standard This field displays the entry amount in the standard currency of the company-specific customer. The field cannot be changed.

Only open credit entries are shown in this window.

Remainder, Standard This field displays the overdue amount on the entry. The remainder amount is the basis for reminder and interest charge calculation. The field cannot be changed.
Selected If this field is marked, the entry is included in the remainder selection. Unmark the field to exclude the entry from the remainder selection.
Level In this field, Maconomy displays the calculated reminder level of the current entry. The reminder level is raised by 1 for each time a reminder is sent to the customer. Updating of the reminder level is done when you select the action “Approve Reminder Selection.”

The field can be changed if the reminder letter should constitute a more or less friendly reminder of payment due or have a more severe wording. However, the reminder level cannot be set to a greater value than the one specified in the field “Current Reminder Level” in the card part of the window.

The company-specific customer’s reminder level equals the reminder level on the entry with the highest reminder level.

If the reminder level on all entries is reset to zero, it will not be possible to approve the reminder selection.

Remarks In this field, you can enter a text. This text is shown in the card part of the window Show Customer Reconciliation.
Block Type In this field you can specify why the entry is blocked. The possible values are defined in the Interest Reminder Block pop-up.
Block Date In this field you can specify the date that the entry was blocked.

By default, it is set to the current date when the Block Type is set. You can set it to any date, though.

Blocked By This field specifies the user that blocked the entry. It is set to the name of the user that changes the Block Type field, but can be changed to anything.