
This section shows the Actions available in the Quote Editing workspace.

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Field Description
Print Quote When you select this action, you print the job quote shown in the window. You can only select this action when the job status is “Quote.” If the job is a fixed-price job or if the quote has previously been approved, the quote must be approved before you can print it.

You can also print the job quote in the window Job Budgets. In the window Print Job Quotes you can print job quotes in batches.

Print Draft Quote When you select this action, you print a draft of the job quote shown in the window. You can select this action at any time.
Print Order Confirmation When you select this action, you print the job order confirmation shown in the window. You can only select this action when the job status is “Order.” If the job is a fixed-price job or if the quote has previously been approved, the quote must be approved before you can print it.

You can also print the job order confirmation in the window Job Budgets. In the window Print Job Order Confirmations you can print job order confirmations in batches.

Delete Quote Lines When you select this action, Maconomy deletes all of the lines shown in the table part. This action is not available when the job is closed.
Copy Quote

Click this action to copy the field values from another revision or job to the current quote. Note that the value of the Unit field is also copied.

You cannot copy quotes between jobs that use different time units.
Note: If you copy a quote from a job that has a different basis for budget, the dimensions are still copied to the quote.
New Revision When you select this action, Maconomy creates a revision of the current job quote. You cannot create a revision of an approved quote; it must be reopened first, whereby a revision is created. The previous revision is locked, and except for revision remarks it can no longer be changed. All previous revisions of the job quotes to which you have access can be viewed in the window Quote Revisions.

If the system parameter “Automatic creation of quote revisions” is marked, Maconomy automatically creates a revision of the quote when a job budget is transferred to quote.

Restore Quote Revision

Use this action to restore the quote to a previous revision. If the previous revision includes transferred dimensions from a budget, the system also restores those values.

Maconomy copies the quote revision entered in the Restore Quote Revision field. If this field is blank, the latest revision of the quote is restored.

This action is disabled if the job is closed.

Note: When restoring a previous quote revision, Maconomy deletes all lines in the current quote.
Submit Quote When you select this action, the job quote currently displayed changes status to “Submitted.” This is a way of indicating that the quote is ready for approval. A quote cannot be approved until it has been submitted.

To submit a quote, the field “Change Quotes” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module must be marked for the current user.

Approve Quote When you select this action, the current quote is approved. When the approval takes place, the sum of the lines in the table part (shown in the field “New Quote Price” in the card part) is transferred to the field “Effective Quote Price” in the card part. The change is also reflected in the corresponding fields in other Maconomy windows, including the windows Jobs and Job Budgets. If the fixed price of a fixed-price job or a time and material job is determined by the quote price of the job, the quote price must be approved before the quote can be used as a basis for the fixed price of a job. If the fixed price of a job is determined by the billing price of the latest approved budget assigned to the job, the quote price does not have any effect on the job’s fixed price. The fixed-price basis of a job is defined in a job parameter attribute of the type “Pricing Principle.”

If the current job is set up to check budgets against the quote by means of the job parameter attribute “Check Budget against Quote” of the type “Budgeting,” Maconomy will issue an alert when you approve the quote if no approved budget for the job is found, or if the total billing price of that budget does not correspond to the current quote price.

If the current job uses overrun handling (set up by means of job parameters), the new quote price can cause the creation of or increase or reduce a job overrun. This happens if the existing entries on the job exceed the new quote price before or after the approval. If an overrun takes place, Maconomy creates a revenue recognition journal in the G/L module to adjust or create the overrun. This journal must be posted in the G/L module. For more information on handling of overruns see the description of the job parameter type “Revenue Recognition” in the window Job Parameters.

In the window Actions in the Set-Up module you can specify for each user whether he is allowed to approve quotes in this window. If the quote price has been changed, the user must also have access to change job budgets to be allowed to approve the quote.

Reopen Quote When you select this action, the job quote currently displayed is reopened. At the same time, Maconomy creates a revision. A “snapshot” of the quote as it looked in the previous revision can be seen in the window Quote Revisions.

If fixed exchange rate information has been specified for the job in the window Job Price Information, and the information is changed since the quote was last submitted, Maconomy will recalculate the budget on the basis of the new currency information when the budget is reopened.

The quote must be submitted before it can be approved again.

Only users for whom the field “Reopen Quotes” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module is marked can reopen job quotes.