Report Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Report Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. Here you enter a range of line numbers to be used in conjunction with the action “Copy Report Lines” described above.
Description Here you enter a text or text reference. This text will be printed in a text column to the left of the number columns.

You can enter fixed text as well as texts that are retrieved by references to accounts, locations, entities, projects, and so on. When the report is printed, the reference will be replaced by the text it represents.

You can use the following account references:

  • #Account.AccountNumber
  • #Account.AccountText
  • #Account.Statistics1
  • #Account.Statistics2
  • #Account.Statistics3
  • #Account.Statistic4
  • #Account.AccountType
  • #Account.AccountGroup
  • #Account.Department
  • #Account.ItemTaxCode
  • #Account.Blocked
  • #Account.ProfitAndLoss
  • #Account.TaxCode
  • #Account.Currency
  • #Account.Note1...Note5

You can use the following references for dimensions. Replace “<dimension>” with the name of the dimension in the list below. The dimensions are written as follows:

  • Location
  • Entity
  • Project
  • Purpose
  • Specification1
  • Specification2
  • Specification3
  • LocalSpecification1
  • LocalSpecification2
  • LocalSpecification3

(These texts will always refer to the main report, that is, the user-generated report.)

You can use the following references for the dimensions above:

  • #<dimension>.Name
  • #<dimension>.Description
  • #<dimension>.Statistics1
  • #<dimension>.Statistics2
  • #<dimension>.Statistics3
  • #<dimension>.Statistics4
  • #<dimension>.Blocked
  • #<dimension>.Note1
  • #<dimension>.Note2
  • #<dimension>.Note3
  • #<dimension>.Note4
  • #<dimension>.Note5

You can use the following column reference:

  • #Column.1...#Column.40

You can use the following extra texts of the report:

  • #Extratext.1... Extratext.6

Moreover you can use report texts and note numbers.

Moreover, you can use the following references for a number of other relations:

  • #Asset
  • #Employee
  • #Activity
  • #Customer
  • #Vendor
  • #Item
  • #Job
  • #Task

An example could be “#Asset.Name1.” However, as you can refer to almost all fields in the above-mentioned relations, these are not stated in this manual. The fields available in each relation can, for example, be seen in the relevant windows by selecting “Find” in the Find menu.

You can use the following reference to the main company, that is, the company which appears on all printouts that are not related to a specific company:

  • #MainCompany

You can use the following references to the Company Information workspace applying to both main companies and intercompany companies:

  • #CompanyInformation.CompanyNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.Name1...5
  • #CompanyInformation.ZipCode
  • #CompanyInformation.City
  • #CompanyInformation.Country
  • #CompanyInformation.Phone
  • #CompanyInformation.Fax
  • #CompanyInformation.Telex
  • #CompanyInformation.Giro
  • #CompanyInformation.Bank
  • #CompanyInformation.CompRegNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.BACSNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.TaxNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.Statistics1... Statistics4
  • #CompanyInformation.Blocked
  • #CompanyInformation.Currency
  • #CompanyInformation.Note1... Note5
  • #CompanyInformation.Address1... Address8
  • #CompanyInformation.Text1...Text20
  • #CompanyInformation.Date1...Date5
  • #CompanyInformation.Popup1...Popup5
  • #CompanyInformation.Real1...Real5
  • #CompanyInformation.Integer1...Integer5

Name 1-5, ZipCode, City, and Country refer to the Address fields in the Company Information workspace for the current company. Address 1-8, however, refer to formatted address information. This means that the address consists of Name 1-3, followed by ZipCode and City (in one field), followed by Name 4-5, and finally Country. Blank fields are omitted. This is best illustrated by an example:

  • The company information

    Name1 = “Maconomy NE Inc.”

    Name 2 = “33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 310” ZipCode = “MA 01752”

    City = “Marlborough” Country = “USA”

  • Corresponds to the following:

    Address1 = “Maconomy NE Inc.”

    Address2 = “33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 310” Address3 = “Marlborough, MA 01752”

    Address4 = “USA”

The other address fields are blank.

You can use the following references to the current year and month:

  • #Year
  • #MonthNumber
  • #MonthNumber/Year
  • #MonthName
  • #MonthName/Year
Type For each report line definition you must specify a type. These types are:
  • Balance — The line will display the figures (actual, budgeted, or column calculation) that relate to each column. If, instead of a total, you wish to itemize individual lines for each account or dimension in the given range, complete the “Dimension” field (described below).
  • Text — The line will display text or manually entered numbers in the individual columns. Text in the text column is entered as described above for the “Description” field. Text or numbers for columns other than the initial “Description” column are entered in the “Calculation” field. Use a semicolon (;) to designate to which column they belong. For columns defined as “Text” in the column specification, Maconomy prints the line text and not the column text on the report line.
  • Page Break — This will insert a page break in the report.
  • Column Heading — The line will display the column headers defined in the “Heading” fields in the G/L Report Columns workspace.
  • Calculation — The line will show a calculation of other report line definitions. This calculation is entered in the “Calculation” field, and the calculation is made by column. Therefore, if the result in a column is calculated from other columns, the calculation of the report line will take into account the same formula used in that calculation (that is, calculate across). To illustrate, if column 3 is the percentage variance between columns 1 and 2, and if the line calculation is the total of the report lines above it, the result in the line’s third column will be the percentage difference between the totals in columns 2 and 3. The ability to total the percentages on the above report lines (calculate down) is provided by the “Line Calculation” described below.

    If, instead of a total, you wish to print a line for every account or dimension in a given range, complete the “Dimension” field.

  • Line Calculation — This is also a calculation of other line definitions written in the “Calculation” field. The calculation is made from the result shown in other lines; that is, the column formulas are ignored, and only the results are used. See also “Calculation” above.

    If, instead of a total, you want to print a line for every account or dimension in a given range, complete the “Dimension” field.

  • Report — This indicates that you are embedding or “calling” another report to be printed at this place in the current report. Enter the number of the report that you are calling in the “Calculation” field. If you wish to print a report for each account or dimension in a given range, complete the “Dimension” field. When you call a report, the dimension ranges, period ranges, and so on, applying to the current line are also applied to the lines in the report called. However, in those columns in the called report where the column description assigned to the report in question specifies other ranges, those ranges are applied in the called report instead.
Indent Here you can enter a whole number of spaces by which to indent the text on this line. The text in the “Description” field is indented by the number of spaces specified here.
Format Here you can choose the print format of the report line as “Normal,” “Bold,” “Underline,” “Italic,” or “Small” (smaller point size). The G/L report layout is accessible with Maconomy’s layout editing tools and contains a number of different line layouts (or blocks) and you choose one of these for each line. With Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can edit the formats, changing point sizes, type styles, and so on. After changing the line layout format, you can change the name of the format in the pop-up field “Report Formats” in the Popup Fields workspace in the SetUp module.
Header By marking this field, you can indicate that the content of the report line definition is to be printed as a header on each page of the report printout. Headers are always printed first on a page, regardless of where they are listed in the report. If the line is a Report line, that is, you have chosen “Report” in the “Type” field, you can use this field to indicate whether to print the current report header lines or the header lines of the called report, where that report occurs in the printout. If you mark this field, you print the called report’s header lines at the beginning of the called report. If a page break occurs while printing the lines of the called report, these header lines are also printed at the top of the new page(s). If you leave the field blank, the header from the called report is not printed.
Print Here you can indicate whether the result of a report line definition is to be printed on the report. By choosing “No,” you can use the line for sub-total calculations or to insert comments in the report definition. If you choose “If Amount,” the line will print only if there is a non-zero value in one of the columns. For lines where the line type is “Report,” the value “If Amount” means that the line is only printed if the last line in the sub-report called by the line contains one or several amounts different from zero. The last line in the sub-report is the last line in the table part of the report definition of the sub report, and not necessarily the last line to be printed in that report (the field “Print” can be set to “No” on the sub-report line in question). Therefore, using the value “If Amount” in connection with sub-reports requires that the reports called always end with a line printed or non-printed containing figures (typically a grand total), otherwise the line calling the sub-report will never be shown.

If the line calls a sub-report, the value in this field is used on those lines in the sub-report that do not have a value in the corresponding field. The value is transferred to any number of subreport levels, that is, sub-reports called by a sub-report.

If you want to insert a blank line in the table part without influencing the appearance of the report, that is, by just inserting a space between certain lines in the table part you can specify the value “No” in this field while also specifying the value “Text” in the field “Type.” If you do not select “Text” in the field “Type,” the performance of the report may be influenced.

Calculation In this field you can enter a calculation formula, if the report line definition is of the type “Calculation” or “Line Calculation,” or an alphanumeric string if the type is “Text.”

A calculation formula entered here can consist of numeric constants, references to other lines, and math operators. You refer to a line by entering its line number. A whole number preceded by a 0 is interpreted as a numeric constant. The math operators +, -, *, and / can be used for line and whole number calculations. The % operation can also be used for calculating the percentage ratio between two lines. By inserting a colon (:) between two line numbers, you can find the sum of a range of lines. Finally, you can use parentheses to separate various calculation expressions.

If a report line involves calculation of lines for which the “Dimension” field is completed, you can select a matching value in the “Dimension” field on the calculation line. This will result in a separate line being printed for each account, location, entity, project, and so on, depending on which you have chosen.

It is possible to make calculations involving report lines whose types are “Balance” and “Report,” even where you have entered a value in the “Dimension” field. If the calculation involves a line that calls another report, Maconomy uses the last line in the called report for the calculation in the current report.

Here are some examples of calculation expressions:

  • “1 2” in line 3 indicates that line 3 in every column calculates the difference between lines 1 and 2.
  • “(2 : 8) / 9 * 012” in line 1 indicates that the first line in every amount column is calculated as the sum of the corresponding fields in line 2 through line 8, divided by the corresponding field in line 9, multiplied by 12. If line 9 is 0, line 1 will also be 0.
  • “1 % 2” in column 3 indicates that column 3 calculates column 1 less column 2, divided by column 2 multiplied by 100. If column 2 is 0, column 3 will also be 0.
  • “1* 01.50” in column 2 means that column 2 is calculated as column 1 multiplied by the constant 1.5.

In line 1 the “Dimension” field has “Location,” while line 2 has the calculation “1.” Line 1 will produce a balance line for every location in the Selection Criteria, while line 2 will produce totals for all the lines line 1 has generated.

Line 1 through line 7 are lines that display balances for different projects and for whom the “Dimension” field shows “Location.”

Line 8 is a calculation line where the “Dimension” field shows “Location” and the “Calculation” field shows “1:7.” Lines 1 through 7 will display the G/L balance for each location in the Selection Criteria, while line 8 will display the total for each location as generated from lines 1 to 7.

In lines 1 and 2 the “Type” field has “Report,” while line 3 has the calculation expression “1-2.” Line 3 will display the difference between the last line in the report called from line 1 and the last line in the report called from line 2.

See also the difference between the types “Calculation” and “Line Calculation.”

If the line is a “Text” line, you can enter text and manually entered numbers (not balances). Text and numbers in different columns are to be separated by a semicolon (;). For example, if you wish to enter “Not available” in number column 1 (that is, the first column after the initial Description column) and “100” in number column 3, the correct expression is “Not available;;100” (without quotation marks).

As in the “Description” field, you can enter fixed texts as well as texts to be retrieved by various references to accounts and dimension values. When the report is printed, the reference is replaced with the value it represents.

You can use the following account references:

  • #Account.AccountNumber
  • #Account.AccountText
  • #Account.Statistics1
  • #Account.Statistics2
  • #Account.Statistics3
  • #Account.Statistics4
  • #Account.AccountType
  • #Account.AccountGroup
  • #Account.Department
  • #Account.ItemTaxCode
  • #Account.Blocked
  • #Account.ProfitAndLoss
  • #Account.TaxCode
  • #Account.Currency
  • #Account.Note1...Note5

You can use the following references for dimensions. Replace “<dimension>” with the name of the dimension in the list below. The dimensions are written as follows:

  • Location
  • Entity
  • Project
  • Purpose
  • Specification1
  • Specification2
  • Specification3
  • LocalSpecification1
  • LocalSpecification2
  • LocalSpecification3

You can use the following references for the dimensions above:

  • #<dimension>.Name
  • #<dimension>.Description
  • #<dimension>.Statistics1
  • #<dimension>.Statistics2
  • #<dimension>.Statistics3
  • #<dimension>.Statistics4
  • #<dimension>.Blocked
  • #<dimension>.Note1
  • #<dimension>.Note2
  • #<dimension>.Note3
  • #<dimension>.Note4
  • #<dimension>.Note5
Dimension In this field, you can choose the type of information for which the line is to get data. If you select “Balance,” “Calculation,” or “Line Calculation” in the field “Type,” and this field is completed, a line is printed for each value in the selected dimension which belongs to the range specified for the dimension in question. If the field “Type” shows “Report,” and a value is selected here, the selected report will be called once for each value in the selected dimension included in the range specified for the dimension in question.
Company No. From In this field, you can specify the lower limit to the range of companies that should apply to the columns on the line. Company number ranges can also be specified in the card part and for each individual column on the line (in the window G/L Report Columns). Therefore, for each column on the line, Maconomy uses the following priority to determine the lower limit to the company range:
  1. If a value has been specified in the corresponding field for the column in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that value is used.
  2. If no value is found there, any value specified in this field on the line in question is used.
  3. If no value is found here either, the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of this window is used. However, when running the report from the window Print G/L Report, any value specified in the corresponding field in that window will overwrite the value entered in the card part.

An exception to the procedure described above occurs if the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report. In this case, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field on the report line from which the report is called.

How this range is reflected in the final report depends on the values you choose for the report line definition in the “Type” and “Dimension” fields. See the description of the field “Location from.”

Company No. To The functionality of this field corresponds to that of the field “Company No. From” above.
Account No. From In this field, you can specify the lower limit to the range of accounts that should apply to the columns on the line. Account ranges can also be specified in the card part and for each individual column on the line (in the window G/L Report Columns). Therefore, for each column on the line, Maconomy uses the following priority to determine the lower limit to the account range:
  1. If a value has been specified in the corresponding field for the column in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that value is used.
  2. If no value is found there, any value specified in this field on the line in question is used.
  3. If no value is found here either, the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of this window is used. However, when running the report from the window Print G/L Report, any value specified in the corresponding field in that window will overwrite the value entered in the card part.

An exception to the procedure described above occurs if the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report. In this case, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field on the report line from which the report is called.

How this range is reflected in the final report depends on the values you choose for the report line definition in the “Type” and “Dimension” fields. Note that you can further limit the range of accounts by specifying a range of statistic codes. This procedure is described in a separate section on statistic codes below.

If you choose “Balance” in the “Type” field and leave the “Dimension” field blank, the report will calculate G/L balances for the accounts in the range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter). If this line is to be printed, the individual accounts and balances will not be shown.

If you choose “Balance” in the “Type” field, and “Account” in the “Dimension” field, the report will print a line and the balance for every account in the range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter).

If you choose “Balance” in the “Type” field and “Location,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” or one of the general or local specifications in the “Dimension” field, the report will calculate G/L balances for the accounts in the range (statistic code limitations will be ignored in this case). If this line is to be printed, the individual accounts and balances will not be shown, only their total.

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and the leave the “Dimension” field blank, the account range (including any statistic code limitations) will be transferred to the lines in the report that is called, where the corresponding account range fields are blank.

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and “Account” in the “Dimension” field, the report will be called once for each account in the range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter). Every time the report is called, the account number will be transferred to the corresponding field in the called report, if that field is blank. (Note that statistic code limitations will not be transferred to the called report.)

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and “Location,” “Entity,” or “Location,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” or one of the shared or local dimensions in the “Dimension” field, the account range (not including statistic code limitations) will be transferred to those lines in the called report where the corresponding account range fields are blank.

If you choose “Calculation” or “Line Calculation” in the “Type” field and select “Location,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” one of the shared or local dimensions, or blank in the “Dimension” field, the account range will only be used for text references to account fields. See the description of the “Text” option for the “Calculation” field.

If you choose “Calculation” or “Line Calculation” in the “Type” field and “Account” in the “Dimension” field, the report makes the calculation specified in the “Calculation” field for every account in the account range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter).

If you choose “Text” in the “Type” field, the account range will only be used for references to account fields. See the description of the “Description” option for the “Calculation” field.

See also the description of the “Location From” field below.

Account No. To The functionality of this field corresponds to that of the field “Account No. From” above.
Location From In this field, you can specify the lower limit to the range of locations that should apply to the columns on the line. Location ranges can also be specified in the card part and for each individual column on the line (in the window G/L Report Columns). Therefore, for each column on the line, Maconomy uses the following priority to determine the lower limit to the location range:
  1. If a value has been specified in the corresponding field for the column in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that value is used.
  2. If no value is found there, any value specified in this field on the line in question is used.
  3. If no value is found here either, the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of this window is used. However, when running the report from the window Print G/L Report, any value specified in the corresponding field in that window will overwrite the value entered in the card part.

An exception to the procedure described above occurs if the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report. In this case, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field on the report line from which the report is called.

How this range is reflected in the final report depends on the values you choose for the report line definition in the “Type” and “Dimension” fields.

If you choose “Balance” in the “Type” field, and complete the “Dimension” field with either blank, “Account,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” or one of the shared or local dimensions, the report will calculate G/L balances for the locations in the range. If this line is to be printed, the individual locations and balances will not be shown.

If you choose “Balance” in the “Type” field, and “Location” in the “Dimension” field, the report will print a line and the balance for every location in the range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter).

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and the leave the “Dimension” field blank, the location range (including any statistic code limitations) will be transferred to the lines of the report being called, where the corresponding location range fields are blank.

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and “Location” in the “Dimension” field, the report will be called once for each location in the range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter). Every time the report is called, the location code will be transferred to the corresponding field in the called report, if that field is blank. (Note that statistic code limitations will not be transferred to the called report.)

If you choose “Report” in the “Type” field and “Account,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” or one of the general or local specifications in the “Dimension” field, the location range (not including statistic code limitations) will be transferred to the lines in the report that is called, where the corresponding location range fields are blank.

If you choose “Calculation” or “Line Calculation” in the “Type” field and select either blank, “Account,” “Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” or one of the general or local specifications in the “Dimension” field, the location range will only be used for text references to location fields. See the description of the “Description” option for the “Calculation” field.

If you choose “Calculation” or “Line Calculation” in the “Type” field and “Location” in the “Dimension” field, the report makes the calculation specified in the “Calculation” field for every location in the location range (subject to any statistic code limitations you enter).

If you choose “Text” in the “Type” field, the location range will only be used for references to location fields. See the description of the “Description” option for the “Calculation” field.

See also the description of the “Account No. From” field.

Location To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location From” above.
Entity From / Entity T The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location From” above.
Project From / Project To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location From” above.
Purpose From / Purpose To v
Spec. 1-3 From / Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location From” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 From / Local Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location From” above.
Intercomp. Company From / Intercomp. Company To The values in these fields define a range of intercompany numbers. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the Selection Criteria, specified in the card part of this window.
Customer No. From / Customer No. To The values in these fields define a range of customer numbers. The report will only show entries associated with a customer within the specified range. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the Selection Criteria, specified in the card part of this window. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the window Account Information Card whether customer numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that customer numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Vendor No. From / Vendor No. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Intercomp. Customer No. From” above.
Job No. From / Job No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Activity No. From / Activity No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Task From / Task To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Employee No. From / Employee No. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Asset No. From / Asset No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Item No. From / Item No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No. From” above.
Stat. 1-4 From / Stat. 1-4 To

In these fields, you can specify the lower and upper limit to the range of statistic values that should apply to the columns on the line. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the Selection Criteria, specified in the card part of this window.

An exception to the procedure described above occurs if the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report. In this case, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field on the report line from which the report is called. However, this only occurs if the “Dimension” field is blank in the report line from which this report is called.

Account Group In this field, you can specify that the current report line should display information about accounts in a specific account group. If the report line is assigned to a report which has been called by from another report, the value is inherited from the corresponding field on the report line that has called the current report.
Month From / Month To The values in these fields define a period range. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the Selection Criteria, specified in the card part of this window. If the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report, the value in this field will be inherited from the corresponding field in the report line from which this report is called.
Year From / Year To The values in these fields define a period range. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the Selection Criteria, specified in the card part of this window. If the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report, the value in this field will be inherited from the corresponding field in the report line from which this report is called.
Invert Sign Marking this field reverses the signs for printed figures on the report line, that is, credit figures display as positive and debit figures display as negative. The net result on the report can be changed to a positive amount if the field is marked.

If you mark the field “Carry Forward Inverted Sign” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, the calculated value on a given G/L report line will be used with inverted sign in further calculations. If you do not mark the field, the original value will be used.

Show 0 Zero balances will print as “0.00.” if you mark this field. Otherwise, they will be blank.
Column Description Here, you can enter a column description, which will be used on the line instead of the description specified in the card part of the window.

If the line type is “Report,” the column description will be transferred to the report as a standard column description.

Exchange Rate Table In this field, you can specify the exchange rate table to be used when converting currency amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The exchange rate table used in a given report field can, however, derive from the card part of this window or from the current column description. Maconomy uses the following priority to determine which exchange rate table to use in each report field:
  1. If an exchange rate table is specified for the column in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that exchange rate table is used.
  2. If no exchange rate table is found there, any exchange rate table specified for the line in question in this field is used.
  3. If no exchange rate table is found here either, the exchange rate table specified in the card part of this window is used.
Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the exchange rate date to be used when converting currency amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The exchange rate date used in a given report field can, however, also derive from the card part of this window or from the current report description. Maconomy uses the following priority to determine which exchange rate date to use in each report field:
  1. If an exchange rate date is specified for the column in question in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that exchange rate date is used.
  2. If no exchange rate date is found there, any exchange rate date specified for the line in question in this field is used.
  3. If no exchange rate date is found here either, any exchange rate date specified in the card part of this window is used.
  4. If an exchange rate date still has not been found, the last date of the reporting period for the report field in question is used.
Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which to display amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The reporting currency used in any given report field can, however, also derive from the card part of this window or from the current report description. Maconomy uses the following priority to determine the reporting currency to be used in each individual report field:
  1. If a currency is specified in the field “Currency” for the column in question in the table part of the window G/L Report Columns, that currency is used.
  2. If no currency is found there, any currency specified in the field “Currency” for the line in question in this field is used.
  3. If a currency isn’t found here either, any currency specified in the field “Reporting Currency” in the card part of this window is used.
  4. If a currency still isn’t found, the amount of the report field is shown in the currency which applies to the individual entry according to the value in the field “Type” in the column description in question.
Itemization This field applies if you choose a value in the “Dimension” field and choose “Report” in the “Type” field. If this field is marked, Maconomy will insert a page break after each call of a report from this line. Also, at the end of the current report, a page will print displaying the last line of each called report. If the current report is itself to be called from another report, then this function will have no effect.
Line Style In this field, you can specify the line style that should be used for formatting the output resulting from the current line when printing the report to an RTF file using the “Create RTF File” action. If you specify a line style, all lines created in the RTF file as a result of the current report line definition will be formatted according to the RTF styles pointed out in the specified line style definition. Line styles are defined in the window Line Styles in which you specify the names of the RTF styles to use for the line description, positive values, and negative values. The format of the styles should be defined in the template document selected when running the report as an RTF file. For a detailed description of the line style functionality, see the descriptions of the action “Create RTF File” and the window Line Styles.