Approval Hierarchy Rule Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Hierarchy Rule tab.

Approval Type Island

Field Description
Approval Type This field shows the type of approval hierarchy. The type cannot be changed here. Use the search function to select a different Type.

Use this field to add a description of the approval hierarchy type

Deadline Island

Field Description
No. of days for approval

Use this field to specify the number of days available for approval to be completed. The number of days can be negative.

Monthly approval day

Use this field to specify the number of the day later in the current month or in the next month which represents the approval deadline. If the day is after the last day in the current month, the deadline is set to the last day in the month. For example, if the approval is set for the 30th of each month, then for February it will be set to February 28.

Weekly approval day

Use this field to specify the day of the week which represents the approval deadline. The day will be the next week day.

User Island

See the Introduction to Maconomy topic for a description of the User Island.

Approval Principles Island

Field Description
Approval Required Select this field to use approval hierarchy.

For vendors and customers, if this field is not selected, you should set the Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on <Vendors or Customers> to Yes system parameter so that users can manually change the Allow fields to Yes.

Approve at Submission If you select this field, the item will be approved automatically wherever the setup of the approval hierarchy allows for a user to submit and approve the item when they submit.
Note: If you deselect the Allow Self Approval field, Maconomy automatically restricts the automatic approval of a transaction, such as purchase order, time, expense, or mileage sheet, even though you selected the Approve at Submission field.
Approve at Submission, Remark

Select this field to automatically populate the Approval Remarks field wherever Approve at Submission has been applied.

Log Changes Before First Submission

If you select this field, changes made to an item prior to its first submission will be logged and will be available to be viewed in the Approval Changes window. If this field is not selected, changes made prior to first submission are not logged.