Customer Payment Modes Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Payment Modes tab.

Cust. Payment Mode Island

Field Description
Name In this field, enter a name for the customer payment mode, if you are creating a new customer payment mode. Maconomy checks that the entered name is not already in use.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the customer payment mode.
Cust. Payment Form In this field, select a customer payment form. Select a customer payment form which is supported by the payment agent you have chosen to use. The customer payment form describes the customer payment file format and sets up the guidelines for the use of customer identification.

Customer payment forms are created using the Import Format Description program.

Payment Agent If the current customer payment mode is electronic, select a payment agent in this field.

Remittance Island

Field Description
Notify Recipient If you mark this field, the customer will receive a notification along with the collection.
Incl. Headings If you have chosen to notify the recipient, you can use this box to select whether the text entered in the field “Heading” should be transferred to the collection recipient along with the description of which invoices are included in the collection.
Multiple Fields per Line If the length of the remittance text as shown in the field “Characters per Line” is less than the maximum number of characters shown in the field “Max. Number of Characters per Line,” you can choose to let the remittance lines sent to the customer contain information about multiple invoices. Maconomy will calculate how many invoices can be shown per remittance line.
Number of Lines per Collection Order If you have chosen to notify the recipient, this field shows the maximum number of lines you can attach to a collection order. Maconomy will calculate how many collection orders must be printed for all the lines to appear on the printout.
Characters per Line If you have chosen to notify the recipient, you can see how many characters are available per remittance line. If a remittance text is defined in the table part of this window which is longer than the maximum length, the remittance text will be truncated when Maconomy creates the collection file.
Max. Number of Characters per Line If you have chosen to notify the recipient, you can see the maximum number of characters that are available per remittance line. If a remittance text is defined in the table part of this window which is longer than the maximum length, the remittance text will be truncated when Maconomy creates the collection file.
Remittance 1-4 These fields are used in connection with automatic customer collection. The actual field name depends on the specification of the current electronic collection format.

The remittance text is selected in the pop-up field. The text selected here is usually used by the payment agent for statements which are returned to you. In some cases, however, the text selected here is sent to the recipient of the collection. This depends on the specification of the current electronic collection format.

The options in the pop-up field correspond to fields in the window Customer Open Entry Reconciliation. Please see the description of that window for a description of the content of each of the selectable options.

In the table part of the window you can create further remittance specifications.

Electronic Collection Island

Field Description
Description These fields show the fixed text fields specified on the associated output data form. Each non-empty description indicates that either a pop-up or a value must be specified for this customer payment mode to work.
Popup For each non-empty description, either a pop-up or a value must be specified. If both a pop-up and a value are specified, the pop-up takes precedence. These values are used when, for example, creating payment records where an output data field refers to these fields on a customer payment mode.
Value For each non-empty description, either a pop-up or a value must be specified. If both a pop-up and a value are specified, the pop-up takes precedence. These values are used when, for example, creating payment records where an output data field refers to these fields on a customer payment mode.

Collection Control Island

Field Description
Electronic Collection This field is automatically checked if the customer payment form supports electronic collection.
Blanket Collection If you mark this field, multiple A/R entries with identical due dates are collected together for the same customer.
Include Collections with Balance = 0 If you mark this field, collections with a balance of zero are included when you create a collection selection for the current customer payment mode.
Print Invoice Interest and reminder notes are printed for interest and reminder principles using the Customer Payment Mode.

Customer Payment Control Island

Field Description
Cash Payment In this field, you can specify that the payment mode represents cash payment. The field can only be marked for manual payment modes. The payment mode can be used on invoices where the goods are paid cash, for instance when selling goods directly from the warehouse. When you post an invoice with this payment mode, Maconomy automatically creates an offset entry to the invoice. This means that Maconomy creates an extra customer entry and a G/L entry to the A/R control account, representing payment. Maconomy also makes an entry to the account assigned to the current payment mode in the window External Accounts. When you use a payment mode of this type, you therefore do not have to manually enter a cash payment in the general journal.

If you post a credit memo with this type of payment mode, offset entries are made in the same way as when you post invoices. However, the amounts have inverted signs.

Calculate Customer Payer Id. If this field is not marked Maconomy will not calculate a payer identification on the company customer. Maconomy will calculate new payer identification if the field is marked.

Export Island

Field Description
Export Entries If this field is marked, customer entries with this customer payment mode can be exported from the Export Customer Entries window.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level Here you can enter the name of the access level. Users only have access to information about the current customer payment mode if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the User Access Levels window in the Set-Up module. This means that a user can only specify the customer payment mode on, for example, customers if he has access to the customer payment mode. In addition, a user can only see information of customer payment modes to which he has access. In addition, the user must have access to the access level specified for the customer payment mode’s payment agent to have access to the current customer payment mode. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to customer payment modes may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.
Description This field displays the description of the access level.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.