
This section shows the actions available in the Update Job Budget Resource Allocations workspace.

Top Tab

Note that with a batch set of allocations in People Planner, the performance of this action is impacted. However, it is possible to set up a Scheduled Background Task to recalculate job budgets periodically and therefore reduce the need to manually choose this action.

Field Description
Update Job Budget

Use this action to update all lines on the latest revision of the planning budget on the job specified in the Job No. field.

For budget lines with a time activity, the unit cost price, unit billing price, and unit standard billing prices are updated to the weighted average of these unit prices on the job budget resource allocations.

If you have performed progress evaluation on the latest revision of the budget, these unit prices are updated to the weighted average for actual cost as of the progress evaluation date and the cost of allocated hours for future periods.

For budget lines with an amount activity, the unit prices are not updated. Additionally, you can see the allocated and unallocated quantity and cost in the Job Budgets sub-tab.

For budget lines with a time activity, the unit prices on a job budget resource allocation are calculated based on the employee of the resource allocation, the other dimensions of the budget line, and are calculated as of the current date. If the budget line already has job budget resource allocations for the given employee, then the prices will be taken from the resource allocation with the latest price calculation.

If the Use Estimate Date when Updating Resource Allocations system parameter is enabled, this action uses the estimate date, if one has been specified. If you have started a progress evaluation, this action does not update the resource allocations in Maconomy for any months before the estimate date. Moreover, it updates the resource allocation in Maconomy for the month that contains the estimate date, based on the resource allocations within that month after the estimate date.