Note Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Note Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Heading In this field, you can enter a heading for the description of the job specified in the field “Value” on the line. A heading can only appear once in a job description and must be one of the heading options in the note type assigned to the current job’s job parameter of the type Job Description. You can see the possible options by selecting the action “Find Note Type Specification” in the Find menu.

Assigned to the heading is a section of text fields in the column “Description” from the row that contains the heading to the row that contains the next heading. The format of the heading determines what type of information may be entered in the field “Value” on the lines in this section. The format of each heading is specified in the window Note Types in the Set-Up module, and can, for example, indicate that the “Value” fields under the heading in question can only contain figures or amounts. For further information on the use of heading formats, see the description of the window Notes.

Value In this field, you can write a description of the job at the level specified in the field “Heading” to the right of this field. You can write 255 characters in the field. When you press “Enter,” Maconomy automatically wraps the text, moving the text exceeding the standard width of the field down to the necessary number of lines.

If you create a text line right under another text line, and if these two lines belong to the same heading, the new line will be wrapped with the above line. That is, the lines are pulled together.

The text can be split into sections by inserting one or more blank lines between the respective sections. Note that you cannot use the Enter key to split the text into sections as this key as usually in Maconomy is used for executing new changes.

If a heading is specified on the current line or a line above it, the value in this field must comply with the format specified for the heading on the current line or, if no heading is specified on the current line, the nearest above line where a heading has been specified. Similarly, if an option list has been specified for the heading in question in the note type, you can only select an option within the option list in question. For further information on the use of heading formats, see the fields “Format” and “Option List” in the window Note Types.

Format This field shows the format of the value, as defined for the note type heading in the Note Types window’s table part