Item Allocation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Allocation tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This field shows the number of the current item, as well as the description of the item. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
Unit This field shows the unit which is applied to the current item. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
Pricing Unit This field shows the number of units of the item included in the stated unit price. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
BOM This field is marked if the current item is part of a BOM. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
Stock on Hand This field shows the total quantity of the current item in the warehouse selected in the island Selection Criteria. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
Available This field shows the available quantity of the current item in the warehouse selected in the island Selection Criteria. The value of this field cannot be changed here.
For Packing, Total This field shows the total quantity of the current item set for packing, calculated as the sum of the quantities stated in the fields “For Packing” in the table part of the window.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Deliv. Date In these fields, you can specify a range of delivery dates. The standard value of both fields is the current date. This means that by default, the table part will only show order lines that are to be delivered on the current date.
Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse that is related to the reallocation. The field must be completed.
Customer No. In this field, you can specify a range of customer numbers.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only lines from sales orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible are shown in the table part.
Only Include Back Orders Mark this field if you only wish to see back order lines and order lines on which the number of undelivered items is greater than zero. The field is marked by default.

If the field is not marked, the table part will show all order lines of the types Sales Order and Back Order that fall within the selection criteria and on which the number of ordered items is greater than the number of delivered items.