A/P Open Entry Reconciliation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the A/P Open Entry Reconciliation tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field shows the vendor number. The first two lines show the name and address of the vendor, and these are transferred from the vendor information card and cannot be altered here.
Attn. This field shows the attention person at the current vendor. The name of the person is transferred from the vendor information card and cannot be altered here.
Block Payments If the payment/credit memo is blocked, this field is marked. You can block payment if the vendor has for instance delivered the wrong items and you wish to make sure that the right items are delivered before payment is initiated. You can alter the value in this field in the window Payment Control.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name and company number of the company specified on the current vendor invoice or credit memo.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Entry Island

Field Description
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the payment or the credit memo.
Entry Description This field shows the entry description of the payment. You can use this text and the amount below to check that the payment/credit memo currently shown is correct. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Transaction This field shows the transaction number of the payment and the credit memo.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the payment and the credit memo.

Entry Amounts Island

Field Description
Paid/debited, Currency This field shows the amount of the payment/credit memo. The amount is shown in standard currency and cannot be altered.
Remainder, Currency This field shows the amount of the original amount of the payment/credit memo remaining to be reconciled. You cannot reconcile a larger amount than the one shown in this field. The field is updated automatically by Maconomy at the approval of a reconciliation and cannot be altered manually.

If the remaining amount does not cover the entire vendor invoice and you do not wish to post the difference as a cash discount, the invoice must be partially reconciled. If you enter an amount in the field “Reconciled in Standard” which exceeds the remaining amount, the difference will be shown as a positive number in the field “Balance” in the island Reconciliation.

Amount, Original This field shows the posted amount in the currency entered at the creation of the payment/credit memo. If the entry is a currency adjustment entry, the amount will be zero. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Amount, Base This field shows the posted amount in the base currency of the payment/credit memo. You cannot alter the value in this field.

Reconciliation Amounts Island

Field Description
Debit, Currency This field shows the debit amount used for the reconciliation.
Credit, Currency This field shows the credit amount used for the reconciliation.
Cash Discount, Currency This field shows a cash discount, if any. If a vendor invoice is reconciled with a payment or credit memo, the difference between the amounts in the fields “Rem. in Standard” and “Reconciled in Standard” will be transferred as a cash discount. When you approve an open entry reconciliation, Maconomy creates a vendor journal containing posting information about the cash discount. You can post the vendor journal in the window Posting in the G/L module.

The posting reference to the cash discount account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the G/L module.

Difference, Currency This field shows the difference between debit and credit amounts in the reconciliation, if any. If a larger amount than the actual payment is entered in the field “Reconciled in Standard,” a positive amount will be shown in this field. When you approve the open entry reconciliation, Maconomy will regard the difference in amounts as a cash discount. A vendor journal with posting information about the cash discount is created, and the journal can be posted in the window Posting in the general ledger module.

If the payment/credit memo is not used for reconciliation, the difference will be shown in this field as a negative amount. After approval of the reconciliation, the amount will be shown as a remainder in the field “Remaining Bal.”

Vendor Amounts Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field shows the vendor’s current balance in the currency of the vendor. Whenever you register information related to the vendor, the balance is updated.
Balance, Base This field shows the vendor’s current balance in the base currency of the vendor. When you post journals related to the vendor, this balance is updated.

Reconciliation Island

Field Description
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the current reconciliation.
Transaction Type In this field, you can select the transaction type for the reconciliation. If the transaction type for the vendor reconciliation is not specified and there is no default transaction type for the vendor journal, then the reconciliation will have the same transaction type as the vendor entry which is reconciled.