Catalog Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Catalog Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Catalog If you wish to assign a subcatalog to the catalog selected in the card part of the window, specify the number of the catalog to be assigned as a subcatalog in this field. It is possible to specify a catalog even though the table part also contains lines where items have been specified. However, the Catalog component in the Procurement Portal does not display the information correctly if the table part contains a mix of catalogs and items. It is therefore recommended that you only specify catalogs or items in the table part of the same catalog.
Name If you have specified a catalog in the field “Catalog” above, this field shows the name of the catalog in question.
Item No. If you wish to assign an item to the catalog selected in the card part of the window, specify the number of the desired item in this field. It is possible to specify an item even though the table part also contains lines where catalogs have been specified. However, the Catalog component in the Procurement Portal does not display the information correctly if the table part contains a mix of catalogs and items. It is therefore recommended that you only specify catalogs or items in the table part of the same catalog.
Description If you have specified an item in the field “Item No.” above, this field shows a description of the item in question.
External Desc. This is the description of each line item that will appear on the invoice.
Unit If you have specified an item in the field “Item No.” above, this field shows the unit in which the item is measured.
Unit Price If you have specified an item in the field “Item No.” above, and a customer has been specified in the card part of the window, this field shows the unit price of the item according to the price list assigned to the specified customer. If no price list is assigned to the customer, the unit price is zero. The price is calculated as described in for the field “Unit Price” in the window Sales Orders.
Discount % If you have specified an item in the field “Item No.” above, and a customer has been specified in the card part of the window, this field shows any discount percentage to which the customer in question is entitled according to item and customer discount agreements, and quantity discounts achieved as a result of the quantity specified on the line. The discount percentage is calculated as described in for the field “Discount %” in the window Sales Orders. If you have not specified a quantity on the line, the discount is shown as zero.
Quantity In this field, you can specify a quantity. If you do so, and a customer has been specified in the card part of the window, Maconomy will calculate an extended line price and any discounts to which you may be entitled according to customer and item discount agreements as well as quantity discount rules. The functionality of this field and the price fields in this window is used in the Procurement Portal module where certain components use the fields for displaying the prices and discounts that will apply to the current customer when ordering a given quantity.
Extended Price This field shows the total price of the current line item.
Picture File Reference In this field, you can specify a reference to an image file to be shown in the web shop next to the information on the item or catalog specified on the line. If a catalog has been specified on the line, Maconomy suggests the picture file reference from the card part of the catalog in question. If an item has been specified on the line, the picture file reference from the information card of the item is suggested. In both cases, you can change the file reference for the current line.

The file reference must be specified as a valid URL, either as a full path specification starting with “http://” or relative to the web server. For instance, if you specify “/Images/Furniture/LSofa1.jpg,” it means that the file is placed in the folder “Furniture” which is a subfolder to “Images,” which again is a subfolder directly below the root level of the web server.

Information 1-5 In these fields, you can specify additional information about the current catalog line.