Print A/P Aging Report Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print A/P Aging Report tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Vendor No. In these fields, you select a range of vendor numbers. The print will only include vendors in this range.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. The aging report will only be based on vendor entries with settling companies within the specified range. Please note that Maconomy prints one line for each combination of company and vendor.
Dimension Comb. No. In these fields, you can enter a range of dimension combination numbers. The printout will only include dimension combinations with numbers that are within the specified range.
Statement Date In this field, you enter the date of the balance you wish to see. Maconomy calculates which balance your vendors have/had on this date, and sums up the balances per control account.

You cannot specify a future date. You must enter a date.

Vendor Group In this field, you select a vendor group. The report will only include vendors in this group.
Department In this field, you select a department. The report will only include vendors in this department.
Country In this field, you select a country. The report will only include vendors from this state/country.
Currency In this field, you select a currency. The statistics will only include vendors with this currency as standard currency.
Control Account The control account is a reference to two G/L accounts - a Vendor control account and an account for non-balanced entries.

All vendor entries are posted to the General Ledger, to the control account referred to here. Accounts payable is thus a specification of A/P control accounts in the General Ledger.

You can use the control accounts to group your vendors in the General Ledger—for example, in foreign and domestic vendors.

The account for non-balanced entries is used to manage your accounts when item deliveries and invoices are not received at the same time. When you approve item deliveries to the warehouse, the inventory value account is debited and the non-balanced entries account is credited. When the vendor invoices are registered at a later date, the items are credited the Vendor control account and debited to the account for non-balanced entries. You thus avoid any accounting problems, when items are delivered in one posting period and the corresponding vendor invoice is received in another.

References to control accounts are specified by means of dimension combinations in the window Popup fields in the Set-Up module.

Language In this field, you designate the language of the vendor. The language is used for printouts and statistics.

Language codes are maintained in the window Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can specify a range of statistics codes in each of the four statistics categories. The statistics will only include vendors with statistics codes within the given range.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb. No.” above.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb. No.” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb. No.” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb. No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Dimension Comb. No.” above.

Currency Island

Field Description
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify in which currency the balance list amounts should be displayed. The balance list amounts will be converted into and displayed in this currency. If the current user has been assigned to a company in the window Users, Maconomy suggests the company base currency of the company in question.

When converting amounts into the selected currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates for purchases valid on the date entered in the field “Exchange Rate Date” below, and the exchange rate table used is the exchange rate table for purchases selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. Please note that Maconomy performs currency conversion even though the original amount has been registered in the same currency as the one specified in this field, which may give rise to discrepancies between the registered amounts and the amounts shown in this window.

Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify an exchange rate date. When converting amounts into the reporting currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on this date according to the exchange rate table for purchases selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. See also the field “Reporting Currency.”
Exchange Rate Table Specify the exchange rate table to use in the reports.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Aging Principle In this field, you can specify the aging principle to use.
Start Date In this field, you enter the date from which to calculate the balance due.
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.

Limit Island

Include only customers with a balance of more than Here you write an amount in the reporting currency. The report will only include vendors whose balance is larger than the given amount.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In each of these fields, you can specify a vendor pop-up value.

The printout will only include vendors for which the values in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the window Vendor Information Card correspond to the values specified here. However, if you leave a given pop-up field blank, vendors with any value in the field in question are included.