Invoice Allocation Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Allocation Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Purchase Line Type This field indicates the type of purchase the line represents. The available values are:
  • Fixed Asset
  • Inventory
  • Job Cost
  • G/L
  • Text Line
  • Subcontractor Reconciliation
Account No. This field shows the number of the account on which the amount on the line has been allocated.
Job No. If the entry is registered on a job in the Job Cost module, this field shows the number of the job on which the amount on the line has been allocated.
Act. No. If the entry is registered on a job in the Job Cost module, this field shows the number of the activity on which the amount on the line has been allocated.
Empl. No. If the allocation line concerns a job specified in the field “Job No.,” this field shows the number of an employee, if any, assigned to the invoice entry.
Task This field shows the task to which the line might be assigned.
Account/Activity Name This field shows the text assigned to the G/L account shown in the field “Account No.” or the text assigned to the activity specified in the field “Act. No.” on the line.
Entry Description This field shows a description of the entry.
Quantity This field shows the quantity registered on the line.
Unit This field shows the unit that applies to the current line.
Unit Price This field shows the unit price in the currency of the vendor invoice.
Pricing Unit If an item has been specified on the current line, this field shows the quantity of item units included in the unit price. The value is retrieved from the field “Unit, Purchase” on the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here. However, if the line is based on a purchase order line, Maconomy will attempt to derive the pricing unit from the purchase order line in question before deriving it from the Item Information Card.
Discount This field shows the discount in the currency of the vendor invoice.
Amount Excl. Tax This field shows the price less tax of the line in the currency of the vendor invoice. The amount is calculated as quantity times unit price less tax and any discount.
Item No. If the entry pertains to an item, this field shows the number of the item in question.
Tax Code This field shows the G/L tax code, if any, used on the entry.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax This field shows the line’s tax amount in the currency of the vendor invoice.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Total Tax,” “Tax 1,” “Tax 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax 3.” The “Total Tax” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Amount Incl. Tax This field shows the price of the line including tax in the currency of the vendor invoice. The amount is calculated as quantity times unit price less any discount.
Item Tax Code This field shows the item tax code created in the Popup Fields window. The field is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current vendor invoice, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the Tax Tables window in the G/L module. When selecting a tax code, Maconomy uses the tax table specified as the responsible company for the vendor invoice in the window Company Information. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the company that is responsible for the current invoice is assigned to a tax table in the window System Information. If no tax table is specified for the responsible company or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use tax tables, Maconomy will use the tax code of the account or activity specified when the vendor invoice is allocated or reallocated. If you use neither differentiated tax nor tax tables, Maconomy will use the standard tax code specified in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

If you entered a purchase order number for the vendor invoice, Maconomy suggests the value from the field “Company Tax Code” in the card part of the purchase order, and if no purchase order has been specified, Maconomy suggests the value from the vendor’s information card.

Reference Date This field shows the reference date for the current vendor invoice.
Registration Code This field shows a registration code from the window Registration Codes in the G/L module. See the description of the window Registration Codes for more information about registration codes.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company assigned to the current line. The number is transferred automatically from either the island Company in the card part of this window or through a selected registration code.
Location This field shows the location to which the line might be assigned.
Entity This field shows the entity to which the line might be assigned.
Project This field shows the project to which the line might be assigned.
Purpose This field shows the purpose to which the line might be assigned.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the specification 1-3 to which the line might be assigned.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the local specifications 1-3 to which the line might be assigned.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified on the line.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job to which the line might be assigned.
Task Description This field displays the description of the task entered in the field “Task” on the current line.
Customer No., Ref. Enter a reference customer number.
Customer Name, Ref. This field displays the name of the customer specified in the “Customer No., Ref.” field.
Purch. Order No. This field shows the purchase order number for invoice allocation lines created by entering a purchase order number in the window Vendor Invoices. When the vendor invoice journal is posted, Maconomy will register the line as invoiced on the corresponding purchase order line. However, if the entry is a vendor credit memo, the amount is deducted from the invoiced amount.
Line No. This field shows the number of the purchase order line on which the amount is registered as invoiced, when the vendor invoice journal was posted.
Close Purchase Order Line This field shows whether the purchase order line was closed when the journal was posted. If all the purchase order lines are closed, the purchase order itself will also be closed.
Packing Slip No. If the current line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed in the card part, this field shows the number of the packing slip in question.
Inventory Change Transaction No. If the current line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed in the card part, this field shows the number of the inventory change transaction resulting from the approval of the purchase receipt to which the packing slip in question pertains. As allocation and reallocation lines created by entering a purchase order and packing slip number are based on inventory change transactions, this field thus shows the number of the inventory change transaction containing the transaction line on which the current line is based.
Inventory Change Transaction Line No. If the current line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed in the card part, this field shows the number of the inventory change transaction line on which the current line is based.

As allocation and reallocation lines created by entering a purchase order and packing slip number are based on inventory change transactions, this field thus shows the number of the line in the table part of the inventory change transaction shown in the field “Inventory Change Transaction No.” on which the current line is based.

Quantity 1 This field shows an allocation line quantity. This field and the field “Quantity 2” are used for reporting and statistics.
Quantity 2 This field shows an allocation line quantity. See the field “Quantity” above.
Tax Exempt In this field, you can specify whether the invoice line covers a tax exempt service. Maconomy suggests the value specified for the invoice allocation line when the allocation was posted.
Accrual Type This field shows whether the cost on the line will be accrued. An entry can only be accrued if a G/L account has been selected for the current line. If accrual has been selected, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.
Period From, Accrual This field and the field “Period To, Accrual” show a range of accrual dates. If the field “Accrual Type” was marked, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.
Period To, Accrual See the field “Period From, Accrual” above.
Created at reallocation This field shows whether the current line was created at reallocation. If this field is marked, the current line was created in the window Reallocate Invoices. If the field is blank, the line was created in the Invoice Allocation window.
Reallocation Entry This field shows the reallocation entry if the current line was reallocated.
Journal No. This field shows the journal number of the reallocation journal.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the entry.