
This section shows the Actions available in the Bill to Customer Distribution workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Show Blocked Lines This action will show all bill to customers including blocked bill to customers in the table.
Hide Blocked Lines This action will show all bill to customers excluding blocked bill to customers in the table.
Calculate Setup Percentage When you select this action, Maconomy calculates a setup percentage for all bill-to customers in the table part of the window. The calculation is based on the specified maximum billing price, if any. If no maximum billing price is specified for a customer, that customer will have a setup % of zero. For instance, if there are two customers with a maximum billing price of 4,000 and 6,000, respectively, Maconomy will calculate the setup percentages as 40% and 60%, respectively.

This action is primarily used in connection with the initial setup of the job’s invoice distribution, and you can change the setup percentages manually later.

Transfer to Invoice Selection You can select this action if the job is not blocked for invoicing, the current job status is “Order,” and if the total amount selected on the customers is different from the current invoice selection.

This action handles invoice-on-account amounts in several invoice currencies and exchange rates. The sum expressed in the currency of the job is transferred to the invoice selection.

When you select this action, the amount for invoicing on the job is adjusted in the following way: All open entries on the job (including any subjobs that are invoiced on the job) are adjusted so that the total invoice selection will agree with the amount selected on the customers in this window.

It should be noted that the field “Close Balance” on the job entries will be left unmarked in the window Invoice Selection. This means that the remaining amount will appear on the next invoice selection for the job.

Approve This is the same new action as in Invoice Selection.
Approve for Invoicing on Account The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Approve for Invoicing on Account” in the window Invoice Selection.
Approve for Crediting on Account The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Approve for Crediting on Account” in the window Invoice Selection.
Remove All Drafts The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Remove All Drafts” in the window Invoice Selection.