Approve Expense Sheet Lines Workspace

Use this workspace to review expense sheet and mileage sheet lines that are not yet fully approved, sorted by the jobs to which they belong.

A project manager can use this workspace to review and approve expense and mileage entries for his or her jobs.

The Approve Expense Sheet Lines workspace displays all of the expense sheet and mileage sheet lines that are not yet fully approved.

A submitted expense sheet or mileage sheet must be approved according to the approval principle selected in the Jobs workspace. Depending on the selected principle, the lines in an expense sheet or mileage sheet must be approved either by the employee's supervisor or by the project manager of the job, by both, or by neither of them. You can also set up an approval hierarchy.

Note that you cannot use approval hierarchies and project manager approval together.

For example, if the approval principle specifies that both the supervisor and the project manager must approve entries for a job, an expense or mileage line is only fully approved when both have approved it. If only one has approved it, and the other has, for example, released it, the lines are only partially approved, even though they have been transferred for posting.

This workspace is primarily designed for use by project managers to approve expense and mileage lines for which approval by the project manager is optional or mandatory. However, users who have access to view all expense sheets and mileage sheets (set up in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module) can also see the expense and mileage lines in this workspace. If they have access to change all expense sheets and mileage sheets, they can also approve expense and mileage lines here.

The project manager can browse through the expense and mileage lines by job and assign a status and a comment to each line. Depending on a line's status, the line is approved, rejected, or released when the project manager performs the Carry Out Approval action. This action can cause a number of lines to be transferred for posting, and expense sheets and mileage sheets to be marked as transferred in the Expense Sheets and Mileage Sheets workspaces.

If the approval principle for the job specifies that both the project manager and the supervisor must approve expense sheets and mileage sheets, both individuals must approve expense and mileage lines before those lines are transferred or considered fully approved.

You can view the status and comments of expense and mileage lines in the Expense Sheets or Mileage Sheets workspace.

Note that Maconomy calculates the proposed billing prices from the current job price list when the employee submits a time sheet , expense sheet, or mileage sheet. If the job price list is changed after the employee submits the sheet, the original amount is invoiced unless you enter different values before invoicing.