Picking List Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Picking List Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item This is the number of the item to be moved.
Quantity This field shows how many item units are to be moved. If the picking list was created manually, you can specify the desired quantity to be moved here. If the picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, the value cannot be changed here.
Moved Here you enter the quantity of items actually moved. Maconomy automatically suggests the value from the “Quantity” field. You can change the suggested value, for instance if the physical inventory is short of items. Maconomy verifies that the amount you enter is divisible by the item’s minimum sales unit.
Unit This field shows the unit in which the items should be moved. If the picking list was created manually, the value is transferred from the information card of the item. If the picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, the value is transferred from the warehouse transaction line on which the current picking list line was based. The value cannot be changed here.
Source Loc., Planned In this field, you can enter the location from which you expect to move the items on the line. If the items are actually picked elsewhere, you can specify the actual source location in the field “Source Location” on the current line.

If the picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, the value in this field is copied from the field “Source Location” on the transaction line on which the current picking list line was based. However, if no source location was specified on that warehouse transaction line, the value in this field is derived through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

When the picking list has been approved, the value can only be changed here if the picking list was created manually.

Target Loc, Planned In this field, you can enter the location to which you expect to move the items on the line. If the items are actually moved to another location, you can specify the actual target location in the field “Target Loc.” on the current line.

If the picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, the value in this field is copied from the field “Target Loc.” on the transaction line on which the current picking list line was based. However, if no target location was specified on that warehouse transaction line, the value in this field is derived through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

When the picking list has been approved, the value can only be changed here if the picking list was created manually.

Source Loc. In this field, you can specify the location from which the items on the line were actually moved. When the picking list is approved, Maconomy suggests the planned source location from the field “Source Loc., Planned” but you can specify another location here if the items were picked from another location, for example, because they were not actually available at the planned source location.
Target Loc. In this field, you can specify the location to which the items on the line were actually moved. When the picking list is approved, Maconomy suggests the planned target location from the field “Target Loc., Planned” but you can specify another location here if the items were moved to another location, for example, because there was no room available at the planned target location.
Serial No., Planned If the items to be moved should have a certain serial number, you can specify that serial number here. The field can only be completed for items with serial number control, and the serial number must exist in the system. If the picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, the value in this field is copied from the field “Serial No.” on the transaction line on which the current picking list line was based.

If a line has an item with a serial number control but you need to pick the items in several different locations and report the individual serial numbers on separate lines, you can use the field “Quantity on Split Lines” or “No. of Split Lines” and the action “Split Line” to split the current line. This allows you to specify separate locations and quantities for each serial number picked.

When the picking list has been approved, the value can only be changed here if the picking list was created manually.

Serial No. In this field, you can specify the serial number of the line’s item units actually moved. The field can only be completed for items with serial number control. When the picking list is approved, Maconomy suggests the planned serial number from the field “Serial No., Planned” if a serial number was specified there. However, you can specify another serial number here if the serial numbers of the items moved were not the same as the planned ones, for example, because the planned serial numbers were not actually available at the planned source location. If the item on the line uses the serial number control principle “Complete Serial No. Reg.” as set up in the window Item Information Card, you must enter a serial number in this field.

If the picking list is assigned to a sales order and you wish to specify the serial number moved, but that serial number has not been created in the system, for example, because the item does not use the serial number control method “Ser. No. Reg. at Receipt” and the system number therefore was not entered when the items were received you must create a line with the serial number in the window Serial Number Information before you can enter the number here.

To register serial numbers, you must use one line for each serial number picked. If a line has an item with serial number control but you need to specify the individual serial numbers or perhaps also have to pick the items in several different locations, you can use the field “Quantity on Split Lines” or “No. of Split Lines” and the action “Split Line” to split the current line into the desired number of lines. This allows you to specify separate locations and quantities for each serial number picked.

Remarks In this field, you can enter supplementary remarks for a further description of the current line.
Quantity on split lines In this field, you can specify the quantity which you want to move from the current line to a new line. The quantity must be divisible by the item’s minimum sales unit. If you specify a quantity in this field and select the action “Split Line,” Maconomy will create a line with the quantity specified in this field, and write down the quantity on the current line accordingly.

The value in the field is not reset when you select the action “Split Line.” This allows you to easily split the line into several lines with the same quantity by simply selecting the action the desired number of times.

No. of split lines In this field, you can specify the number of lines into which you want to split the current line. If you specify a number in this field and select the action “Split Line,” Maconomy will split the line into the number of lines specified in this field. The lines will be identical to the current line, but the quantity on each line will be the quantity on the current line divided by the number in this field. However, Maconomy adjusts the quantity to a number that can be divided by the item’s minimum sales unit. If this results in a remainder, Maconomy creates an extra line with the remainder. For instance, let us say the item on the line has a minimum sales unit of 0.25 and the quantity on the line is 3.25. If you specify 5 in this field, Maconomy will divide the quantity by 5, and the result would be 0.65. As this is not divisible by 0.25, Maconomy rounds down to the nearest figure divisible by 0.25, namely 0.5. In addition, Maconomy creates a line with the remainder, 0.75. As illustrated in the example, the remainder line may be assigned a quantity which is greater than the one on the “real” split lines, and you may therefore also have to split the remainder line.