Intercompany Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Intercompany Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Executing Company This field shows the number of the executing company of the current intercompany entry.
Responsible Company This field shows the number of the executing company of the current intercompany entry.
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the current intercompany entry.
Date Posted This field shows the date when the current intercompany entry was posted.
Entry Description This field shows a description of the current intercompany entry.
Amount, Currency This field shows the amount of the current intercompany entry, expressed in the currency specified in the field “Currency.”
Currency This field shows the currency of the transaction that caused the creation of the current intercompany entry.
Interest Date This field shows the interest date of the current intercompany entry, if interest has been calculated for the entry.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the intercompany entry.
Trans. Type This is the entry’s transaction type. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types window.
Intercompany Type This field shows the type of intercompany transaction that caused the current intercompany entry. See the field “Intercompany Name” in the Intercompany Accounts window for a description of the individual intercompany types.
Journal Type This field shows the type of journal in which the registration that gave rise to the current intercompany entry was entered.
Journal No. This field shows the number of the journal in which the registration that caused the current intercompany entry was entered.
Journal Line No. This field shows the number of the line in the above journal on which the registration that caused the current intercompany entry was entered.
Location This field shows the number of the location to which the current intercompany entry pertains.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the job specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the customer specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the vendor specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Entry No. If the current intercompany entry was created as a result of a registration which also caused the creation of an A/P or A/R entry (for instance, if one company has sent an invoice to a customer belonging to another company), the entry number assigned to the A/P or A/R entry in question is displayed in this field. For further information on the entry number assigned to A/P and A/R entries, please see the description of the field “Entry No.” in the Show G/L Entries window.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the employee specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Activity No. This field shows the number of the activity to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the activity specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Task This field shows the name of the task to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the task specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Item No. This field shows the number of the item to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the item specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.
Asset No. This field shows the number of the asset to which the current intercompany entry pertains, that is, the asset specified on the registration that caused the current intercompany entry, if any.