Tax Return Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Tax Return sub-tab.

Field Description
Tax Return Type Name Use this field to enter a tax return type. You can only select customer tax return types specified for the job year.
Description This field displays the description of the tax return type.
Original Due Date This field displays the due date. The due date is calculated by adding a number of months according to the customers fiscal year month to the due date from the tax return type. If the fiscal year month is December, then no months are added. If it is January, one month is added, and so on, until November when 11 months are added.
Extension Due Date This field displays the extension date. The extension date is calculated similar to due date but using the extension day from the tax return type.
Current Due Date This field display the current due date. The current due date equals the original due date as long as the status is not extended. If the status is extended then this field displays the extension date.
Completed Date Use this field to enter a completed date for the tax return.
Extension Filed Date Use this field to enter an extension filed date for the tax return.
Committed Date Use this field to enter a committed date for the tax return.
Received Date Use this field to enter a received date.
Received By, Empl No. Use this field to enter an employee number.
Received By This field displays the name of the receiver.
Assigned Preparer, Empl No. Use this field to enter the employee number of the assigned preparer.
Assigned Preparer This field displays the name of the assigned preparer.
Assigned Reviewer, Empl No. Use this field to enter the employee number for the assigned reviewer.
Assigned Reviewer Use this field to enter the name of the assigned reviewer.
Actual Preparer, Empl No. Use this field to enter the employee number for the actual preparer.
Actual Preparer This field displays the name of the actual preparer.
Actual Reviewer, Empl No. Use this field to enter an employee number for the actual reviewer.
Actual Reviewer This field displays the name of the actual reviewer.
Tax Return Status Use this field to select the tax return status. Possible values are:
  • Completed
  • Extended
  • Received
  • Final
Disposition Use this field to select a disposition.
Filing Status Use this field to select a filing status.
E-Filed Date Use this field to enter an e-file date.
Tax Processing Code Use this field to select a tax processing code.
Engagement Letter Received Use this field to specify whether or not the engagement letter has been received.
Client Status Use this field to select a client status.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the customer tax return.
Created on This field shows the date the customer tax return was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user who changed the customer tax return.
Changed on This field shows the date when the customer tax return was last changed.
Version This field displays the tax return version.