User Masking Sub-Tab

Use this section to associate a user name and employee number with user masking.

Field Description
User Name

Enter or search for the user name(s) that you want to mask. The masking routine replaces occurrences of this user name with the value that you enter in the User mask field.

The value in this column is not validated. This enables you to locate and mask information for user names that have already been removed from Maconomy, but that still exist in various locations, such as change logs and database tables.

You can specify just user names, just employee numbers, or both user names and employee numbers.

Employee No.

Enter or search for the employee number(s) whose associated names you want to mask. The masking routine replaces all employee names that have the selected numbers with the value that you enter in the Employee mask field.

The value in this column is validated; the employee number must exist in Maconomy.

You can specify just employee numbers, just user names, or both employee numbers and user names.