Consignments Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Consignments tab.

Consignment Island

Field Description
Consignment No. In this field, you can specify a number for the consignment. If you do not specify a number, Maconomy will retrieve the consignment number from the window Number Series in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Mode In this field, you specify a delivery mode. The combination of the values in this field and the fields “Delivery Terms,” “Carrier,” and “Consignment Type” make up a consignment mode. The consignment mode must exist in the information card of the destination specified for the current consignment. When creating a consignment, Maconomy completes a number of the fields in this window based on the information from the window Destination Card for the selected consignment mode. You can, however, change the values later. Delivery modes are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Terms In this field, you specify a code for delivery terms. Otherwise, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Carrier In this field, you specify a carrier. Otherwise, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Consignment Type In this field, you specify a consignment type. Otherwise, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Delivery Mode” above.
Destination No. In this field, you specify the number of the destination to which the current consignment will be shipped. Below the destination number, the name of the selected destination is displayed. Destinations are created in the window Destination Card.

Dates Island

Field Description
Packing Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the packing of items for the current consignment should commence. When creating a consignment, Maconomy suggests the consignment date less the number of packing days specified for the consignment mode selected in the table part of the information card for the destination specified on the current consignment. The packing date is furthermore used for determining whether the current consignment can be used when Maconomy assigns a quote, an order or quote/order lines to a consignment. If you change the packing date after assigning quotes, orders or lines to the consignment, the delivery date on the assigned quotes, orders and lines will be updated accordingly, and the items affected will be reserved again according to the new date. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning orders to a consignment.
Consignment Date In this field, you enter the date of shipping the consignment. The consignment date is used for determining whether the current consignment can be used when Maconomy assigns a quote, an order or quote/order lines to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning orders to a consignment.
Arrival Date If the line is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of arrival at the destination. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.

Charges Island

Field Description
Charge 1-4 In these fields, you can enter the charge codes to be transferred to quotes and orders assigned to the current consignment. Any existing charge codes on the individual quotes and orders will be overwritten when assigned to the consignment. Later changes in the charge codes on the consignment will, however, not be reflected on quotes and orders already assigned to the consignment.

When creating a consignment, Maconomy suggests the charge codes from the line with the current consignment mode in the table part of the information card of the destination in question.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Remarks Island

these fields, you can enter a number of remarks regarding the current consignment. When creating a consignment, Maconomy suggests the remarks from the consignment mode selected in the table part of the information card of the destination specified on the current consignment.

Weight/Volume Island

Field Description
Weight Capacity In this field, you can specify the total weight permitted for the current consignment. The weight capacity is used when evaluating which consignment Maconomy should choose when automatically assigning an order or a quote to a consignment. Maconomy will only assign an order to a consignment which has the necessary weight capacity available. You can, however, manually assign an order to a consignment, even if the weight capacity of the consignment is exceeded when doing so. When creating a consignment, Maconomy suggests the weight capacity specified on the selected consignment mode.

See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning orders to a consignment.

Volume Capacity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Weight Capacity” above.
Increase in Weight, % In this field, you can specify a percentage increase in weight. The weight increase is used if the current consignment type requires that the items are shipped in special packaging, for example, wooden crates. The weight increase is used when evaluating which consignment Maconomy should choose when automatically assigning an order or a quote to a consignment. If charges are calculated by weight, the weight increase percentage is used when the expected charges are calculated using the action “Calculate Charges” in the windows Quote and Sales Orders, and when printing quotes and order confirmations. When creating a consignment, Maconomy suggests the weight increase specified on the Destination Card of the selected consignment mode.
Increase in Volume, % The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Increase in Weight, %” above.

Order Total Island

Field Description
No. Orders This field displays the total number of sales orders assigned to the current consignment. The number does not include quotes assigned to the current consignment.
Gross Weight This field displays the total gross weight of the current consignment, calculated as the sum of the values in the field “Weight” on the lines in the table part of the window.
Gross Volume This field displays the total gross volume of the current consignment, calculated as the sum of the values in the field “Volume” on the lines in the table part of the window.
Total No. of Packages This field displays the total number of packages of the current consignment, calculated as the sum of the values in the field “Package” on the lines in the table part of the window.
Order Total This field displays the order total of the current consignment, calculated as the sum of the values in the field “Order Total” on the lines in the table part of the window. The total is displayed in the enterprise currency.

Consignment Information Island

Field Description
Consignment Status This field shows whether the current consignment is open or closed. It is only possible to assign orders to an open consignment.

A consignment is open until packing slips have been printed for all of the orders assigned to the consignment in question. However, a closed consignment can be reopened manually — In this field, thus making it possible to assign additional orders.

Batch Invoice This field shows if orders assigned to the current consignment should be batch invoiced. If the field is not selected, any mark in the corresponding field on orders assigned to the current consignment will be removed. If the field is selected in this window, the value in the field “Batch Invoice” will remain unchanged on the individual orders, whether or not it is selected. You can, for example, use this functionality if you usually batch invoice orders, but you want to manually evaluate the charges on orders assigned to a certain consignment mode for a given destination before invoicing.
Delivered This field displays if the items on the assigned order have been delivered. The field shows “No,” “Partly” or “Yes,” depending on whether none, some or all of the items on the sales order have been delivered.

If none of the orders assigned to the current consignment is delivered, the field displays “No.” If one or more, but not all, of the orders are delivered, the field displays “Partly,” and if all the assigned orders are delivered, the field displays “Yes.” The order status for each assigned order is shown in the field “Delivered” in the table part of this window. See the field “Delivered” in the window Order Status for further information concerning the delivery of an order in Maconomy.

Blocked If you mark this field, quotes, orders, and lines will no longer be assigned to the current consignment when you select the action “Assign Quote to Consignment” in the window Quote or the action “Assign Order to Consignment” in the window Sales Orders.
Incl. Quotes If you mark this field, the table part will display both quotes and sales orders assigned to the current consignment. If the field is not marked, the table part will only display sales orders. Please note that if the number of lines in the table part is changed because you mark or unmark this field, the figures in the island Order Total will be recalculated from the lines currently displayed in the table part.
Show only Ready f. Deliv. If you mark this field, the table part will only display orders with the value “Yes” in the field “Ready for Delivery” or in the field “Delivered.” Please note that if the number of lines in the table part is changed because you mark or unmark this field, the figures in the island Order Total will be recalculated from the lines currently displayed in the table part. Please also note that the field “Number of Orders” always displays the total number of orders assigned to the current consignment regardless of whether these orders are shown in the table part.
Do not Itemize Suborders If you mark this field, the table part will not display quotes and orders linked to a main order. Please note that if the number of lines in the table part is changed because you mark or unmark this field, the figures in the island Order Total will be recalculated from the lines currently displayed in the table part.