
This section shows the actions available in the G/L Reallocation workspace.

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Field Description
Mark for Reallocation When you select this action, all job entries that match the selection criteria are marked. This excludes job entries that belong to closed jobs, job entries marked for reallocation in the Job Reallocation or Batch Job Reallocation workspaces but not yet approved, entries of unknown type of origin, and job entries created on the basis of a job surcharge rule. Job entries of the latter type are automatically reallocated when the entries that caused the job surcharge are reallocated. After this action has been selected, Maconomy will issue information as to the number of entries not marked for reallocation.
Unmark for Reallocation When you select this action, all job entries that match the selection criteria are unmarked. This means that the mark in the fields “Reallocate” and “Marked is removed for all entries in the Entries sub-tab.
Create Journal When you select this action, one or several reallocation journals are created. If you have specified a company in the Entry Information island, Maconomy creates one reallocation journal for which this company is responsible. If you have not specified a company, a reallocation journal is created for each of the companies within the Selection Criteria.

When you select this action, Maconomy looks through all of the entries matching the Selection Criteria and transfers them to the reallocation journals created. When the journals are posted, two entries are created for each entry in the journal. One entry matches the original entry, but with the opposite amount or quantity, and the entry date and transaction number may be different, according to the entry information entered in the workspace. The other entry also matches the original entry, except for the company number, account number, and dimension values, which are retrieved from the Entry Information island. If one or several dimension fields have been left blank in the Entry Information island, the values for these dimensions are retrieved from the original entry, meaning that no reallocation is made for the dimensions in question. As in the first case, the entry date and transaction number may be different, according to the entry information entered in the workspace.

As in the case of, for example, entering information in a general journal, Maconomy performs a dimension derivation of the values entered in the Entry Information island when the journal is posted. This means that the reallocation of any dimension value can cause changes to a number of other dimensions.

Furthermore, if you added a transaction type it will be validated, and if it is invalid, a warning will be issued.