Remittance Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Remittance Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. This field shows the line number of the remittance.
Line Type In this field, you can select the line type to be assigned to the current remittance line. You can choose between the types “Header,” “Invoice Text” and “Footer.” Headers and footers are only printed once per payment order, whereas the invoice text is printed per invoice and credit memo.
Remittance Text In this field, you can enter or edit the remittance text which will be transferred to the payee.
No. of Characters This field shows the length of the remittance text.
Paid, Currency In this field, you can enter or edit how much will be paid for the invoices or credit memos the remittance lines are for.

Maconomy only uses this information if the payment format has a separate field for the amount.