Production Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Production Selection Tab.

Finished Items Island

Field Description
Warehouse Here you select the warehouse for which the selection is to be made. It is the stock in this warehouse that determines whether a selection will be made. The finished item must have production control in the warehouse. The selection will only apply to this warehouse.

Maconomy will make a production selection if the inventory volume of the finished item, less order and back order volumes and including existing production volume, plus an item purchase order volume, is below or at the reorder point.

The company to which the finished items warehouse is assigned will automatically be specified as responsible for the production transactions created as a result of the production selection. You can only select a warehouse which is assigned to the same company as the raw materials warehouse.

Item No. Here you can enter a range of item numbers. Maconomy will only create production selections for items in this range and which are marked in the “Production Control” field in the table part of the item information card for the selected warehouse.
Item Group Here you can select an item group from the window Item Group Information Card. Maconomy will only create production selections for items in this group.
Item Type Here you can select a pop-up field of the type “Item Types,” which is defined in window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. Maconomy will only create production selections for items of this type.
One item per transaction You can mark this field if you wish to create a separate production transaction for every finished item for which Maconomy makes a production selection. If you do not mark this field, Maconomy makes one production transaction containing all the items.

A production is carried out by approving a production transaction in the BOM Production window. If a particular finished item is not being produced or cannot be produced due to lack of raw materials, you will be unable to produce the other items in the transaction. It is then useful to have only one item per transaction.

Raw Materials Island

Field Description
Warehouse Here you select from which warehouse to take the raw materials. Raw materials are BOM parts at level one and the BOM header is the finished item. Raw materials with inventory control must be in the warehouse selected here. If they are not, Maconomy cannot make a production selection.

Maconomy does not check that the raw materials are available in sufficient numbers. You can check this in the Print Requirement Analysis window or as the raw materials are reserved by the production transaction in the BOM Production window.

A raw material can also be a BOM produced from raw materials. It is then a semi-finished item, which must be produced in a separate production transaction. You cannot produce the semi-finished item at the same time as you produce the finished item of which it is part.

You can only select a warehouse which is assigned to the same company as the finished items warehouse.

Cost Calculation Island

Field Description
From Raw Mat. You mark this field if the costs of the finished items in the production selection are to be found from the costs of the raw materials or are to be determined by the finished item. The value is transferred to the production selections and can be changed on the individual production transactions in the BOM Production window. See also the description of the “From Raw Materials” field for the BOM Production window.