Purchase Receipt Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Purchase Receipt tab.

Purchase Order Island

Field Description
Order No. This is the number of the purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.
Requisition No. This field shows the number of the requisition on which the current purchase order is based.
Request for Quote No. This field shows the number of the request for quote on which the current purchase order is based.
Purchase Process Header This field shows the number and name of the purchase process of which the current purchase order is part.
Our Ref. This field shows the name of the reference person on the purchase order.
Buyer This field shows the name of the person who normally enters purchases from this vendor. This makes it possible for the vendor to know who to contact with matters concerning the purchase order.
Handled by In this field, you can enter the name of the person who received the items or services or entered the receipt. Maconomy suggests the name of the current user. The field must be completed.
Requisitioner This field shows the number of the employee who requisitioned the items and/or services on the current purchase order. This field also shows the name of the specified requisitioner employee.
Purchaser This field shows the number of the employee who is responsible for purchasing the items and/or services on the current purchase order. Maconomy suggests the employee number assigned to the user who created the order if an employee has been specified for this user in the window Users. This field also shows the name of the specified purchaser employee.
Status In this field, you can select a status code for the purchase order to indicate its current status. The options in the field are created as options in the pop-up field type “Requisition Status” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Warehouse This is the warehouse to which items specified in the table part are shipped. The warehouse is specified in the purchase order.

Only one warehouse can be specified on each order. If you wish to, for example, buy items for several warehouses from this vendor, you must either create separate purchase orders for the individual warehouses in question or direct all the items to the main warehouse using one purchase order and transfer them to your other warehouses after delivery. You do this in the Inventory Change window.

If you select a warehouse assigned to another company than the one shown in the field “Company No.” in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances when you post the item journal created as a result of the item receipt. In the intercompany balances, the company to which the warehouse is assigned will be the intercompany company. See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the company-specification on warehouses and intercompany balances.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the current warehouse at which items in the table part are received. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the warehouse location field is left blank. If a warehouse location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field. Maconomy suggests the receiving location specified on the purchase order, but you can specify another location.
Delivery Mode This field shows the delivery mode specified in the purchase order.
Delivery Terms This field shows the delivery terms specified in the purchase order.
Bill of Lading Here you can enter a text or number, for example, the bill of lading number, to later identify the delivery.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the purchase order. If the warehouse on the purchase order is assigned to another company than the one shown in this field, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances at the posting of the item journal created as a result of the item receipt. In the intercompany balancing, the company in this field will be the responsible company. See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of responsible companies and intercompany balances.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Receipt Island

Field Description
Date Received In this field, you can enter a date of receipt to be used for the receipt instead of today’s date. At the creation of the item receipt, Maconomy suggests today’s date and the field can then be adjusted to an earlier but not a future date. The field can only be adjusted if you have selected “Allow Back Dating” in the window System Information. For rules regarding back dating, see the description of the mentioned check box.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive This field shows the number of the document archive assigned to the current purchase order. This field also shows the description of the document archive.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.

Vendor’s Order Island

Field Description
Order No. This field shows the number of the vendor’s sales order. It is retrieved from the Purchase Orders window.
Packing Slip No. Here you enter the number of the delivery note which accompanied the delivery. You must enter a value for reference. If the receipt includes any items, the delivery note number is printed on the item transaction created when you select the action “Approve Receipt.”
Your Reference This field shows the reference entered in the Purchase Orders window when the order was created, for example, the name of the person with whom the purchaser spoke about the order.
Our Cust. No. This field shows your customer number with the vendor. It is retrieved from the purchase order.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the current purchase is assigned.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job specified in the field “Job No.” above.

Dispatching Address Island

Field Description
Vendor This field shows the number of the vendor delivering the items and/or services in the purchase order.

The other lines in this island show the vendor’s name and address. The text cannot be changed here.

Attn. This field shows the attention person at the vendor. The name of the person is transferred from the vendor information card and cannot be altered here.
Zip Code This field shows the zip code for the address of the vendor.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency This is the currency of the purchase order.
Total This is the price total of the lines in the purchase order. The value cannot be changed manually.
Invoice Discount % This is the invoice discount percentage specified in the purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.

For lines with items, any invoice discount is deducted from the prices of the individual lines, before the items are placed in the warehouse. This ensures that costs are correct.

Invoice Discount, Currency This is the invoice discount amount specified in the purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.

For lines with items, any invoice discount is deducted from prices for the individual item lines, before the items are placed in the warehouse. This ensures that costs are correct.

Expense % This is the expense percentage specified in the purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.

For further information on the effects of the field, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Purchase Orders.

Delivery Costs Here you can specify an amount representing expenses for the purchase, for example, for a handling charge. You can enter an estimated amount, based on previous charges.

For further information on the effects of the field, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Purchase Orders.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show various information entered in the corresponding fields in the window Purchase Orders.